Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Day 36: Work In Pieces (100 Days to Brave)

Day 36.

Statistics say it takes 66 days to form a habit.
There are 34 remaining in this calendar year.

My oldest son, Zeplin, he likes statistics. He will dissect and manipulate numbers to form all kinds of theories. He can tell me how many days remain until Demitri's birthday...and my own. Until Christmas break begins and Christmas day arrives. He turned eight recently and can tell me, in exact numericals, how many days until he turns nine.

He enjoys figuring out these pieces. He is eight and he is intelligent. He is doing what he loves here, in this moment, at this time. 

I write a lot about my desire to write a book. I know it, You know it. It has been building in me for years, but today I was challenged as I have not before been. Today I discovered how to work my piece for today. If my dream it to be an author someday, what can I be doing today to work towards that dream? 

Work as if I am already there. 

If your dream is to someday be the president of your company, don't show up late to work every day now as an employee. Do your best today, in whatever spot or position you're in. That will take you to the next place. (emph mine)

I don't have a dream to be the president of some company, but I can show up today. I can show up on time. And prepared. For me the logistics are easy enough: show up daily, set a time to sit down and write instead of going all willy-nilly and knocking this out just before midnight. Affording myself time to process what I am reading before I try to sum it all up in some personalized regurgitation.

Prior to Annie writing this 100 Days to Brave devotional, she had already written a handful of books, but it all began with book number one, Perfectly Unique. Coincidentally, Annie references Perfectly Unique in today's devotional and you will probably never -in a million years, ever- guess what I picked up from the library just before sitting down to crack this devotional open and crank this summarization out: Perfectly Unique. (If your library doesn't already have the books you would like most to read- request them! I request A LOT of books- and this is one of them!)

It is the little details which remind me that 
God is in all the details

This online devotional is a reminder to me that each day I need practice. I need exposure. I need to chose bravery. And today's prompt to, "be brave enough to work where I was [am]", is a mighty good one.

Be Brave: 
Looking at your life today, 
what's one piece of your calling you can see on display? 

I see on display open doors. Literally, open doors of my home, inviting friends and family, and foreign neighbors inside. But also the open doors of my heart on display. Written to encourage. To share. To speak truth and love. To curse, sometimes. To overflow, always. 

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