Saturday, December 22, 2018

Life Is Hard: 100 Days to Brave, day 60 (Advent Day 22)

Brave Enough to Persevere 
Sometimes everything hurts. Even when you are brave. 

When I got word that Christmas at my dad's place would be on the 22nd (today!) and not the 25th, my heart was so.very.happy. 
Image result for christmas
My oldest, Zeplin, is now eight years old and every single year Big Strong Man and I have tried -unsuccessfully- to just stay home and "do family". Immediate family.

It's not that we don't want to celebrate with everyone we love -we do!- it's just that on this special day we dream, year after year, of waking up in our own beds, making our own brekky, and cherishing a day of opening presents, napping, and doing in all in the comfort of our own home. 
Yes and amen, right? 

So this year was our time to do Christmas like we have dreamed of for years. We celebrate early with my dad, make plans for a day after Christmas to see everyone else we desire to see, and everything is hunky-dory, right?
Except it's not. 

Someone is hurt. 
Someone feels left out. 
It is hard not to please everyone.
And I hate feeling like what I can offer is never enough. 
And not seeing everyone on Christmas is like a blow to the stomach. 

Ironically, it is for me, too, even though I am the one who so desperately wants to stay home. 
Someone is hurt and feeling ignored, and I am left wondering why all of this is so hard

God knows that life is painful. Writes Annie. So, yeah, you can be sad. You can be angry. You can be confused. But you don't ever have reason to despair. Even when it gets tragic and dark, do not despair. You are braver than that. 

I know that my inconvenience is not a life-threatening anything. It's just hard. 

Be Brave: 
I don't know what kinds of hurt or tragedy you are facing right now, 
but I know, as Mike said, life is messy, hard, and weird. 
Allow yourself to feel that today.  

Are you curious abut Mike? Yeah, you'll just have to read the devotional. 

Advent Day Number 22 Wagon Accessories: 

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