Monday, December 31, 2018

Rhythms of Discipline, Day 70: 100 Days to Brave (With Appearances from Annie, Dave, and Rachel)

As I type it is December 31st. Tonight, the New Year will be celebrated all around the world and resolutions will be made by millions of people. 
How great that today's devotional is about discipline, then. Right? 

Are you anticipating a 2019 filled with resolutions? Goals? Hopes? Expectations? 
I am. 

I know, as evidenced by yesterday's devotion, that I am nothing if not undisciplined and lofty with goals and wants, yet unwilling to work hard for them.
But I want better. 
I'll bet you do too.

In talking about discipline, Annie writes, "Discipline is the work done on the field so you are ready for the big game.".
Yes. I second this.

What am I willing -desperate!- to do in the stillness, in the quiet, in the early, in the hard times of the day to help press in to a better tomorrow? To make goals come to pass. To live like no one else now so that I can live like no one else later? (- loose quote from Dave Ramsey.)

It is why I am up this morning before anyone else. I am taking my probiotic, drinking my water, washing my face, starting a load of laundry, reading my Jesus Always devotional, checking in on here with this 100 Days to Brave Devotional.
It is why I am pursuing activities I have dedicated myself to. Those which bring me life and life abundantly.

Rachel Hollis says it so well when she says that every successful person she knows is up early, chasing the sun. And I love this. I see value in this.

There is Biblical evidence to this as well,
Proverbs 20:13 says this:

If you sleep all the time, you will starve; 
if you get up and work, you will have enough food. 

If you spend your time sleeping, you will be poor. 
Keep busy and you will have plenty to eat. 

Don't love sleep, or you will become poor; 
open your eyes, and you'll have enough to eat." 
(all emph. mine)

Jesus, Moses, David, and an entire slew of others throughout the Bible woke early to pursue the day. Many of these began with prayer.
Seeking God.

It is a discipline, and not for everyone, this getting up early business.
And maybe this isn't your goal at all.
But maybe the getting up early isn't the most important part. Maybe it has everything to do with intentionality and the pursuit. 
Of God. Of life. Of better. 

Be Brave: 
What's one area of your life where you could be more disciplined? 

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