Sunday, December 16, 2018

Say Yes, Day 54: 100 Days to Brave (Advent Day 16)

Rest. On Sundays McFive tries really hard to prioritize rest. 
We attend church and eat lunch, then we sleep. All of us, ideally.
Today we rested. Even Big Strong Man was home during this time and took a load off, which, is a rare treat for him during the holiday rush and mandatory workload he carries.

Today we said a wholehearted "yes" to the pause. Stopping. Resting. 
Image result for nap
9 Benefits to Napping 

Image result for nap
How to live Happy
                                               Saying yes changes everything. Walking through the door, agreeing in the moment. Sometimes it is just what is needed to show you the next big yes.     

No doubt this is small-town stuff here. It was a nap, not a revolutionary epiphany. But is was a yes.

Annie shares about the trajectory of travel her "yeses" have lead her to. Different states, different countries and continents.

I dare say that getting on a plane for travel and climbing back into bed during a busy life season both stem form the same root: saying yes.   

 Be Brave: 
Say yes to one small thing today- 
a friend's request, a push form the Lord, an invite to an event, 
a healthy choice for yourself. 

                         Image result for nap

Yes and amen.

Advent today: Dressing the throwback boy in his extras:

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