Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Rest for the Weary; Day 23: The Better Mom (Devo)

I alluded to a breakdown/breakthrough that I had two weeks ago
after a conference at my church. I alluded to bitterness and ugly

(These tears are also some of the most beautiful. This I know,
for instance, when I watch Claire Danes portray the sickly
Beth March in Little Women, and additionally, how she so
perfectly cries and crawls into her mom's arms at the end of
episode one of My So-Called Life.) *bless*

Also, I alluded to quitting.

Claire Danes as Beth (1994)
Claire Danes in Little Women: Fandom

Image result for My So-Called Life, angela crying
Jordan to Angela: Junkee.com

I have a story to share from that course of events but it is still in
waiting. What I can share is this: I was weary and in need of rest.

Maybe today was a really great day for you, and maybe tomorrow
will be a really emotional day because so many of us remember what
happened 18 years ago on September 11th, and either way, I
bet you feel a little weary. Or a lot.

It's how we desire naps in the middle of the day, or need a vacation
after returning home from our vacation.
Our bodies and souls are spent. 

Ruth Schwenk writes this:
Rest is first and foremost about abiding in Him.

And I stop to look up abide because it is too simple/complicated
for me (maybe I am tired- go figure) and Google dictionary has
this to share:

Abiding- (of a feeling or memory) lasting a long time; enduring.

And it means that rest (for the weary) comes from Him (Jesus). 
We receive this rest when we abide, or linger on, with Him. 

None of this is revolutionary news, I have heard 
this before, and you likely have as well, but it's the act needed here. 
We are to stop. 

We are to just be with Jesus. 

Before I cried the ugly tears and made the five phone calls 
quitting the two things, I felt weary from taking on too much. 
I needed rest. 

I wonder if you, too, have filled your agenda up to the brim with 
overflowing and are regretting it some. 
If you, too, have been a "yes girl".
Maybe the best way for us each to have the time to just sit in His 
presence, is to make time for rest

And when we rest, we can be with Him more freely. 
And being with Him affords us more rest. 

Maybe you should quit something today?
Bob Goff does every Thursday*.


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