Monday, December 9, 2019

Little... Like David?

Little Warrior. 
This is the meaning of my oldest son's middle name.
And what an awesome meaning, right?

Unless your YOUNGER brother has a middle name meaning Mighty Warrior.
Because the Might trumps the Little, right? 

When you are nine, this is your rationale.
And I get it.

Tonight we did tuck in time.
Prayers, hugs, always a last minute. "mom I have to tell you this one thing...."

And on occasion I remind the boys of WHO they are by reciting the meaning of their names to them and (when they are playing along), they recite them back to me.

You are a Leader; 
A Defender of the Meek; 

A Seeker of Truth. 
You are a Little Warrior... 

-Mighty Warrior- there was an interjection.

No, bud, you are a Little Warrior. 
-No, Mighty Warrior.-

He was set.

In a moment of clarity I was able to see this for what it was.

You want Mighty and not Little because 
you think of Little as less-than. 

Maybe, instead, Little is reference to Young and it means that you will be a Warrior from the time you are little?
Maybe Little is unassuming...? Nimble?
Perhaps Little is humble?

Yes. This was it. This all made sense logically, but God does this crazy-awesome thing of preparing a "Upside down Kingdom" and within this Kingdom, less is more and the weak are made strong and the first become last and all of these great switcharoos that remind us of Glory and God's greater good. (Mark 10:35-45)

So the Little needed to be redeemed. 
We needed to see God's greater good in this. 

And then, David.

My oldest son, my Little Warrior has been told on numerous occasions that he has a spirit like David's: he dances, he worships, he is a man After God's own Heart. (Acts 13:22)
And David fought and conquered a giant named Goliath- while he was young, maybe even LITTLE.

So...Little may be subjective here. The point being, David was less than 20 (young-ish), but he was young and brave and defeated Goliath when all of the older, BIGGER, men were terrified. 

So LITTLE can be random and it can be a mystery and it can be a blessing.
Little can be a Huge and Mighty blessing!

Bud, I reminded my Little Warrior, this is more of how you have the spirit of David within you!
It's further confirmation. Be proud of the Little, Bud, be so proud of it!!

AVIANO AIR BASE, Italy --  Joshua Helm shows off his warrior face paint during Aviano's Children's deployment April 17.  The mock deployment helps military children understand their parents' deployment.  (U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Ashley Wood)

Have you taken the time to learn the meaning of your name? What a great way to speak life over yourself and others.
Many meanings can be found online. Here is a great book for references, Affirming You: Discovering the Biblical Meaning of Your Name.

I once helped to lead a small group of women in a Bible study and I began the very first gathering by reciting everyone's name's meanings. There is power in this.


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