Monday, June 15, 2020

Sunday SumDay (Overview of my week: Living Life, Starting Over, and the Legacy of Smiles)

Good Day and Welcome Back!
I thought it might be fun to post some stats about what I am up to and I encourage you to engage with your responses as well!

It has been AWHILE since I posted- and I would like to share the ins-and-outs of that someday, but for now, I am back with the intention of getting something out there and hoping that you do the same- whatever your contribution may be.

Books I am reading:
Body Love, Beautiful Outlaw and I am Malala

Body Love is self-explanatory and a helpful way to navigate how food interacts with our body's chemistry and thus making wiser food choices.
Beautiful Outlaw was recommended to me by two sweet friends, each with overwhelming appreciation for the work author john Eldredge compiled to show the reader just how playful and goofy Jesus was. Yes, the silly side of Jesus!!! 

I Am Malala was located in the Little Free Library in my neighborhood and, like so many others I have found and devoured, I am divining into this one.
What  you know about Malala? Her story is fascinating: inspiring and uplifting.
Most interesting fact so far (having little to do with the book other than coincidence),
Malala was on one of my favorite, new YouTube channels: Some Good News...which stars...drum roll pleaseJohn Krasinski! (You may recognize him as Mr. Jim Halpert...and we will get to that in one moment!)

Here is the link to the episode with Malala ...I encourage you to watch every episode..with tissues.

Speaking of John Krasinski, Big Strong Man and I are finally in the 9th and final season of
The Office. Our journey of re-watching it from season one, episode one started back in the fall and we are finally/sadly in our home stretch.
Which television shows would you re-watch over and over? 
Do you have a favorite series of all time?
We have laughed -and cried!- over this show so many times. It is a classic to us.
Others we love:
Everybody Loves Raymond
This Is Us
Friday Night Lights

We are next considering The Wonder Years, wondering if our sons (9,7, and 5) might be interested.

Just recently, Big Strong Man and I sat down and watched Jeremy Camp's story in the movie,
I Still Believe. We bawled liked babies and absolutely loved it.
Fun fact: Gary Sinise is in I Still Believe as the father of Jeremy.
Big Strong Man absolutely thinks the world of this guy, heralding him as one of his favorite actors and greatest supporters of Veterans!
You may not recognize his name, but I bet you will recognize his face as the infamous Lieutenant Dan, dear friend of Forest Gump.


We are moving our bodies once again! Both BSM and I are being intentional about moving our bodies more these days. We keep one another motivated, mixing it up with CrossFit-inspired movements, bike rides, and family walks. Also, a week ago, I founded an accountability group of friends who were interested in joining me for a 30-day challenge through Betty Rocker, and we have been sharing sweaty pictures for accountability every day since!

Part of the experience of what kept me away this past month is that Big Strong Man and I had one of the hardest hits to our marriage.
During that time, it felt absolutely silly of me to write and share anything that wasn't deep and intentional. Honestly- who cares a thing about me watching The Office or reading a book? 
Although I am not ready to share that story, this is still my life and I still desire to share-  because life is in motion, and it is not all headlines. 
Sometimes the richest things happen in the devotions you share with those you love.

BSM and I had a blow and didn't know what that was going to look like from one moment to the next. What we did know was that we could both be more intentional.
Intentional with our time and our words, with our energy and with our devotions: to one another and to God.

We had completed together in the last month the following devotions and are currently working through the latter.
*Marriage That Works, A 7-Day Devotional by Chip Ingram
*The 5 Love Languages 7-Day Devotional for Her
*The 5 Love Languages 7-Day Devotional for Him
*Thirty One Day Marriage Reset: Forming Healthy Habits To Enrich Your Marriage

Each of these devotions is through the Bible App., which is free and offers bucket loads of devotions based on all sorts of topics and interests.

How about you?
How are you showing up in your life these days? 
If you are reading this in real time, has the quarantine been lifted in your area? Are you engaging with friends and family once again, this time ever-more grateful to embrace one another and make a memory?

A family friend passed away last weekend and in his death, we were all reminded not only of what a stellar guy he was- and absolutely everyone felt that way about him!-
but in the importance of living.

My father and stepmother were visiting that weekend and we were out, exploring the town's rich history when they received the phone call that he had passed. In that moment, they were living, and it was the best way to honor their friend. 
Rest In Peace, Kas, you were a wonderful guy who made everyone you encountered feel ridiculously special- you have left a smile on countless people's hearts.
You have left a legacy of smiles.

All the best, today and always,

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