My Nana Geiger passed away a month ago. The Tuesday leading up to her death, my aunt told me that she wasn't doing well. For a month, Nana Geiger had been living with my aunt and uncle and they were helping to take care of her. It seemed that every day she had less and less strength, mobility, and eventually she stopped talking much as well. It happened over the course of a month, but there was something about the way my aunt told me she wasn't doing well which prompted me to speak with Big Strong Man about our options.
If I could go and spend a week with Nana, talk with her, keep her company, and help my aunt and uncle around the house, could we manage to let me drive out there? (The distance is 3 states and 10 hours.) I rationalized that, if I could go spend time with her for a week, or return for her funeral at some point, I would much prefer the former. So we made arrangements for me to leave on Thursday.
On Wednesday evening I spoke with my sister who told me she thought I should fly and get there even sooner. Is Nana this serious? I asked, now anxious about her state and how quickly everything was progressing. We bought a plane ticket for the next day. Instead of arriving in the evening, as would have been the case had I drove, I landed in the morning, my sister and her lovelies picked me up, and we went straight to Nana.
Within a hour of our arrival, Nana passed away.
My nana passed away.
She was incredible- her heart and her selflessness are unmatched.
I realized something about her which came around full circle in her last days-
her legacy was love.
She loved and fiercely protected her family.
Even when we were crazy -as we all were sometimes- you would have thought we were the best thing ever- and to her, we were.
I am that much better because of her overflowing and never ending devotion to us.
We were her world.
Her love is her legacy.
She is currently Polka dancing with Pap in Heaven (Greg is playing the drums),
having coffee with Nan Leonard,
and seeing with new eyes, colors we cannot yet imagine.
Because of the Lord's kindness, His salvation, and His faithfulness,
I will join her one day, and I will excitedly do so.
Nana, I have loved you always, and always will.
There were eight of us there when Nana passed away. For that hour before, we offered her something to drink, a little medicine, a massage, and company. She wanted little of any of it, with the exception of us. By this time, Nana stopped talking. She made out a weak "no" when we asked her if she would like more to drink. She let us know she needed adjusted on her pillow, and she otherwise kept her eyes to the corner of the room, her right hand alternating from her side, where I was holding it, to the rail on her bed, near the window, as if she were reaching for something else.
I just wanted to be near her. To talk to her, to hold her hand, smooth her hair, to speak love over her.
I didn't want to leave her side.
She was rattling. There is a sad noise people make, coming from their throats. It has a sad name so I am not even typing it out, but it was something I had heard before and it sounded like death. The rattling had been sounding since I first arrived and near the end of that hour, it suddenly stopped. I called my aunt over.
Nana's breathing became labored. I don't think she was struggling, there was no outward evidence of fear or desperation. By the time she breathed her last, I think she was already gone, dancing her way into Heaven, escorted by her angels and looking at the face of Jesus.
Nana's family: Earl, Dale, Ron, Sue, Gary, Brenda, Daryl.
Two of Nan's sons were already standing in Heaven, welcoming her home.
Nana told my mom that "It is pretty here".
My aunt and uncle have a beautiful home and my Momma assumed Nana was talking about the decorating.
It is beautiful here, I agree.
After Nana passed, my Momma began to wonder if Nana was seeing glimpses of Heaven.
More beautiful than décor.
Yes, Nana, I imagine it is SO INCREDIBLY beautiful there.
My uncle and I were holding Nana's hands when she stopped breathing. My sister and aunt were right there with us. Nan was surrounded by love when she passed on to Glory.
Nana with Nicolette and I as children- Grandmother's Day circa 198?
Nana with my littles, Thatcher above and Zeplin, Demitri, and Thatcher below
My Nana danced all night and we talked about it for weeks afterwards.
My Momma and my Nana
Pap Geiger and his children
Not everyone was able to attend Nana's funeral. Although I was able to remain in Pennsylvania until her funeral had passed, we knew it would be difficult with work and school to try and have Big Strong Man and our boys come out.
Some cousins attended without all of their children as well so we talked about celebrating Nana with balloons. With our children and at another time, we gathered separately, writing messages on the balloons, and prepared to send them to Heaven- a gift for Nana. We gave the balloons hugs. We kissed them. And
we sent her our love, through the air.
My cousin and her children sent balloons from PA
and we sent ours from KY
And then we sent her our love, riding on the backs of purple balloons.
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