Wednesday, December 17, 2014




She writes so beautifully and it is her heart, exposed. Diligence. Grace. A sight of lovliness, through and through.
She is my friend. A book she had researched and written. A book of affirmation. A book of meanings and direction. A book of names.
Affirming You

Big Strong Man and I are blessed with two healthy, handsome, delightful little men. One a strong and temperamental three and a half year old, the other an equally strong and independent 18 month old. We pray for our boys often.
Shower them with hugs and kisses.

Watch them sleep.
They hear all day long that they are good and kind, important and loved.
They know that they are not a little bit important, but rather a whole lot important (and this we show
with motions: first a little hole we form with our finger tips touching, and than growing, growing, growing until our arms are as outstretched as they can be).
We tell them I LOVE YOU. A lot.
As parents, we have this awesome responsibility to look over, guide, and care for these little ones given to us so kindly by our Father. Children CHOSEN for us.
Take that in.
Your child.

For. You.
That's heavy-duty.

The book Affirming You has been a wonderful tool for us. When praying over our boys, we pray what the Scriptures say over our sons. This book is scripture-based.

Our first son's names (first and middle) mean: Leader; Defender of the Meek; Little Warrior
I read this and thought of the purpose the Lord has for his life.
Leader. To me this reads: brave, outgoing, determined, focused, independent, helpful, a man of conviction and integrity, well spoken (or willing, a.k.a. Moses),
Defender of the Meek: strong, caring, humble, merciful, graceful, helper, willing, brave, tenderhearted, seeing, with good character, 
Little Warrior: defender, brave, strong, humble, a man after God's own heart, hero, patriotism (or sense of nobility), small but not meek.

When I pray over my firstborn, I pray these attributes. I speak with him and remind him often that being a leader means that people are looking at him, watching him. They will follow him, for better or worse. This means that he is called to live a life worthy of leading. His actions, his attitude, they will be followed.
Zeplin, give this world something worth imitating.

Our second born. Our sweet baby boy's name's meanings are: brave; raven; home; and Mighty Warrior
When I pray over him, I often focus on the attributes of a home.
Home: belonging, comfort, wanted, relaxed, rested, safe, peace, togetherness, love,
Raven: loud (the loudest songbird), strong in voice and determination, persistent (the squeaky wheel gets the oil),  eloquent speaker (if not in presentation, perhaps content), I think loud people tend to understand their worth, and so the do not mind being heard.
Brave: not afraid (of life), willing, faring well in opposition, mighty.
Mighty Warrior: defender, brave, strong, a man after God's heart, hero, patriotic (or sense of nobility), with great might/will/ability/desire.

When he is fussy, pouting, and throwing a fit, I pray that the peace that is in him be felt. I pray for comfort and relaxation to pour out of and all around him. I pray that he know that he is loved greatly and that he find rest in that. Reminding us both that God has not given him a "spirit of timidity [cowardice, of craving and cringing and fawning fear], but [He has given us a spirit] of POWER and of LOVE and of CALM and WELL-BALANCED MIND and DISCIPLINE and SELF-CONTROL." -AMP Bible

If you have not already, I HIGHLY encourage you to research the meaning of you own name. If you are married and/or have children, I would also recommend that you discover each and every meaning. And pray these attributes over your lives.
We were meant to live for so much more than what we sometimes settle for.
My name's meaning tells me that I am a "little wise one". I certainly do not always feel like this is true of me. But I can remember that God says I am, and so, I am.

I am small and meek.
I pray for knowledge that brings glory to God. To know Him and be known by Him; that my family and I glorify Him.
That is rather wise.

*Affirming You, written by the lovely and graceful Gayle Chandler 

-yours, gommmyblogger

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