Monday, January 26, 2015

A Teachable Moment

HIG March16

A Teachable Moment
"You got that", Susie said to the crowd of 500+ women in the audience. Myself included.
She spoke this to our group with such confidence.
She thinks highly of us.

There are many opportunities.
Many moments that afford us a lesson to learn.
When Zeplin defiantly cries, "NO!" when I ask him -sometimes for the umpteenth time- to wash his hands.
When Demitri climbs up on the train table time and time again.
And I close my eyes.
I squeeze tight.
I breathe in deeply through my nose and I find myself in this crossroad: to flip my lid or to compose myself.

You see, there are these moments, these quick seconds and sneaky minutes that creep into our day and challenge us.
When I am desperately wishing that the boys would just obey, just MAKE GOOD CHOICES on their own accords,
...and they are not...
my heart gets to racing and all in a nano-second I have to make a choice:
do I raise my voice?
do I make threats of time-out and spankings?
do I haul the 16 month old mountain climber off the table with more force than I would ever chose if I had better thought this moment through?
...or do I breath a little longer...
and get to the same level of each boy while speaking truths into lives?
Do I compose myself in such a way that I KNOW that the boys never question their place in my heart?
The fact that they are important?

Sometimes this scenario goes over well.
The boys offer hugs and I am filled with memories of sweet children who are everything I want in life.
And sometimes this plays out and there is epic failure on my end.

So I take these moments, and I think them over.
I blog about them.
I reflect.
And I learn.
Hopefully, Lord willing, I learn.

And my Little Men, three and a half and sixteen months, more than anything, I pray they know love.
The love two very imperfect parents offer with fear and trembling.
The love we receive so freely and in such great quantities from our Heavenly Father.
Because they are awesome.
These two, sometimes defiant and mostly always adorable, little men.
And we are always learning. The boys. The parents.



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