Thursday, January 8, 2015

Christ Lyke Apparel (review)

You will likely never hear me to profess to being some sort of fashion guru.
I simply am not.
That said, I do enjoy fashion; I do not live in a cave.

One of my four sister-in-laws is a fashionista.
If it's trending, she has to have it.
In three different colors.
I am not there.

We have a four-story mall not 20 minutes from where we live.
In the last year, I cannot remember going to the mall. Not once. At all.
So imagine my surprise when I finally do go and spot a stranger passing by.
No big deal, right?
Well, it wouldn't be, except that he was wearing this shirt:
Don't judge me -> God isn't through with me yet

...and it caught my attention.

As my sweet friend Jen, her daughter, my two Littles and I walked past Santa-town, rode up and down the esculators, and took in the sinfully delicious smells of Cinnabon, we happened by a kiosk.

Returning to thoughts on fashion, well, this is it.
I know tee-shirts aren't exactly sexy, but I sure think these are pretty darn cool.
(And there ARE more than just tees.)
The kiosk held apparel for the company Christ Lyke.
The product was so impressive that I immediately bought a shirt big enough for Zeplin to grow into and then pass on to his brothers and later I checked-out the Christ Lyke web site for more.

I am -> who God says I am
(Cool kid)

If you love a good testimony, love the Lord and want to wear your love, or need some sweet new clothing, make sure to check it out.

...ok...not that you asked, but THIS is the shirt I want. (The one the girl is wearing.)

                          know my story-> to understand my praise

-all the best, gomommyblogger

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