Monday, May 11, 2015

You Know You are a Mom of Boys When...

I am a mom of boys. Three (amazingly wonderful) boys.
Three (loud and rough) boys.
Three delights in four year old, two year old, and seven week old, packages.

I am a mom of boys and am reminded of this often.
I love this, let me add.
Let me also add something else: I have found that complete strangers, and well-meaning friends as well, find my being delighted with all boys rather difficult to believe.
*It beckons me to make a public proclamation about moms and sons.
...May you enjoy my rant truth about being a mom of sons and no daughters.

As a mom of sons, you find yourself telling others that...
You do not feel that you are missing out by not having a daughter.
Girls are awesome, no doubt.
But you are not sad that you do not have one. You do not feel unjustified.
You were not disappointed when you found out you were having a son, and then a second son, or a third.
People have a difficult time embracing that you are more than okay having all male children.

People make comments, often, demanding that GOD BLESS YOU -demanding an all caps, italicized, underlined and boldly printed- insistence.
That you will have your hands-full...couch cushions disheveled, and dirty bathroom floors. 
That you will inevitably  need "girl-time".

And I suppose these people are right.

But I can tell them a few things I have learned as well.
Boys love their mommas.
I know girls do too, but it's supposedly different.

Boys offer 50% less stress when using a public restroom simply because they don't have to touch anything at all to accomplish 50% of why they needed a potty break in the first place.
(For a mom who is anti-public bathroom unless the need is dire, and even then, I carry a training potty in the back of my van where each of my boys -and I- have been known to pop a squat and forgo public restrooms, this is a huge plus.)
Having sons does not always mean that I will be exposed to bugs, boogies, and band aids, but I know I will likely get my fair share. This is good for women like me who don't like creepy-crawlies, slimy things, and blood and guts. Good for me. Constructed for me.

I am a firm believer that God is in control and that He knows what He is doing. Rain or shine, up or down, son or daughter.

This is not a post where I try to convince you that boys are better than girls, they are not. This is one happy M.O.B.* who is grateful for the lot she was given.

So let the record state:
Big Strong Man and I were not trying to "get our girl" and we will not continue having children until we snatch her up. She was never ours, and that was God's design.

I do not feel disappointed that I do not have a little lady to dress up and curl her hair. That would have been nice, if it were God's will, but it was not. 
I will not insist on having a female pet someday. If you know me at all, you know I will more likely insist on never having a pet (although B.S.M. and my three boys will never allow that slide). If when we bring one into our family, the gender will not be a factor. At least I don't think so.

So my son-shaped-heart is exposed and I hope that you realize that, son, daughter, both, we are all very blessed when we hold the Mommy title.
And as for this M.O.B.?
Well, I am simply delighted to be the Queen of my castle!

*M.O.B.= Mother Of Boys

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