Saturday, August 8, 2015

Get Your Life in Order/The Little Things (August8-14)

Get Your Life in Order/The Little Things (August8-14)

Good Saturday to you friends! I certainly hope you have had a great week- beds made, and well-deserved pats on the back. All that jazz.
This is week two of August and the theme here is simplicity. I noted this last week, but wow, doesn't it sound lovely? Yes, indeed. Sure does. 

Any new friends, welcome! Please join us here and now or feel free to jump in at any post over the last few months. You can find the Challenges intro here.

So, simple is as simple does, right? Well, I tend to enjoy the simple life. If you glanced at my calendar book you will see that I enjoy a packed schedule and am always trying to stretch myself one more foot. I declare there is a 25th hour in my day just waiting to be found! 
So this week's challenge is first to continue making our beds each day, and now we are also going to prioritize Scripture reading. If you are a believer in Christ, you have an awesome responsibility to take care of your soul. One of the most effective and meaningful ways to do so is to read the Bible.

                                                    discovered at: MarksRemarks
If you are interested in this week's challenge but have not a clue where to begin, you may wish to start with one of these amazing apps: first5 and shereadstruth (she reads truth). Each offer a Scripture reading followed by practical advise, interaction, and devotionals.

When I look at the pink calendar book I own and I can see at a glance what my week looks like, I am encouraged by the possibilities before me. A blank day can mean rest and catch-up; a very packed day, a great opportunity to experience life.
John 10:10 reads, 

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

...and that they might have it more abundantly... doesn't that sound like pure delight?
This week let us take time each day to seek out what the Lord would have for us. By feeding our souls real, legit, God-food, we become stronger in our faith, stronger in our convictions, stronger in our walks, and stronger in our lives. It is a trickle-effect.

If you are like me and this, although sounding great, is not easily done (we get busy, I know!), you may want to adopt this thought into your life, a thought I stole from a friend:
Before you turn on your computer, look at your phone, pick up your leisure reading, you take your Bible off of your nightstand and you purpose to read it first. It is a beautiful, healthy, and realistic practice with promising results.
This can be done first thing in the morning or at any point in your day. The point is doing it.

With great eagerness,


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