Wednesday, September 23, 2015

London has a Crush!

Today I am gitty. It all started when I took Zeplin to Pre-K this morning, Demitri and Thatcher in tow. As he stood on the step stool washing his hands, as per morning routine, I spoke to him and used his name. One of the other mothers there this morning stopped her conversation with another and looked up at me asking which child is, indeed, Zeplin. Before I could respond, she continued, stating that her daughter, London, who is in the same classroom as Zeplin, is smitten with Zep. She talks about him constantly. He is her boyfriend!
Yep, he's a cutie, no doubt. 

By now, this mother, the two Pre-K teachers, and myself are all smiles and giggles as we take in this Pre-K infatuation. London, who is either extremely confident or somehow unaware that we were talking about her, simply stood there taking it all in like a champ. Zeplin, the boy crush himself, was standing there completely uninterested in what was being said.

A girl likes him, who cares? This girl knows his name! calls him her boyfriend! talks about him at home!, but he is oblivious and, quite frankly, unconcerned. He is, after all, four, and won't even notice that a girl exists like that for another couple of years.
Sorry London, it's not you, it's just that, well, Zep's a boy and boys don't see girls, unless said girl has candy... or a toy car. 

If it's alright with you though, London dear, I am going to publish this blog post so I can continue to be giddy every time I come back to it. Oh yeah, one more thing, you picked a good one!

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