Friday, May 20, 2016

Left Behind book series, continuation REVIEW

Hello friends!
Golly, there is just SO MUCH I want to write about the Left Behind series. First off, if you haven't read the series, I will not beat around the bush. You should. It comes highly recommended. 

Secondly, if you haven't read my first review, of the original 12 books, you might want to read that prior to this post. You can do so by clicking here, Left Behind, book series, REVIEW.

So, when I left off I had just finished the 12th and *final* novel of the series.
It left me longing for more. 
After 12 books and something like, 4500 pages (average of 375/book); after investing three months (1 book/week) of my life, I just wasn't ready to say good bye.
Nice for me, I didn't have to.
*I was blessed* (As Rayford and Chloe would say, "we don't do luck".)

So, In this last month I purchased and read the three prequels and the final -FINAL- book of the series.
Let's start this review with the prequels.

In The Rising,  we learn the background story of Nicolae and how he came to be the antichrist. This book was so well written, so well thought-out, and so detailed that it literally gave me chills.
Although you don't have to read the prequels to understand the gist of the main 12 novels, I do recommend this one because it helps to really set-up how evil the antichrist is- as though one should need any explanation thereof.
That written, this book was too evil for me, the details and descriptions too much and, given my history (which I shall save for another day), I decided it was in my best interest to not finish this book. It is the only book in the series I did not read completely, but I felt it hit too close to home and I was not about to go there.
My review: this is a good read, but do pray over yourself and your home when/if you chose to bring it in and read it.

The second of the prequels, The Regime,  was good for background info, but this book is pretty-much unnecessary.

The final of the prequels, The Rapture, was really interesting because it offers perspectives from Heaven. Very well thought-out and written.

The final novel in the series, Kingdom Come, was just.too.good.  This book starts off at the beginning of Jesus' millennial reign on earth. I know, I know, that sounds confusing.
If ever you read the book of Revelation and had a difficult time seeing how things are meant to play out (and remember, this series is a fictional account of reality), this is a great resource to better understand what the Rapture, Tribulation, Millennial Reign, and Everlasting Life will look like.
This is no(t all) fairy tale, people. 

My review:
Hands-down, the original 12 and Kingdom Come are WELL WORTH YOUR TIME. 

Interested in reading the series? Click here for great deals!

Have you read the series? Seen the movies? Want to chat? Please feel free to comment below.

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