Saturday, July 16, 2016

Diaper Party (Kuddos to Anne of Green Gables)

My sister is soon expecting her third child. Her third! Making our momma a grandmother of six and our father and stepmother, grandparents of eight!

To her delight, Nicolette already has one daughter and one son and only I (and the Lord Almighty), know the gender of baby three!!!

A dear friend of Nicolette's, Debbie, asked me (basically, she hounded me, but I am not complaining), about doing a baby shower for her. My sister, who embarrasses easily, somehow got wind of something and prominetly stated that no one best dare throw her a baby shower! This is, after all, her third, not her first. Another shower would sound greedy.

After speaking with her husband, who has equal say, Debbie, he, and I all decided on a DIAPER SHOWER. It's like a baby shower, but the focus is off of all things big and small for baby, and more focused on collecting diapers and gift cards. Naturally, this also gives us an opportunity to celebrate baby three!!

So we collected names and addresses and had 50 people on the "yes, I'll be there" list.
As it turned out, Nicolette had NO IDEA until I fumbled and she overheard something on my phone which made her suspicious.
The night before, she turned to me in all sincerity and said, "Shannon, if there is a shower for me I will not be there. I just will not".
I acted like I had no idea what she was talking about.

The next morning, which was the morning of the surprise shower, I told her the truth.
Yes, you are having a shower.
50 people RSVPed.

So she came. #pheew!

Here are some highlights:

That's my partner-in-diaper-shower-crime on the far left.

Each kiddo got to chose an outfit for baby to come home in...

From the looks of it, baby should have plenty of diapers for that first year, and no doubt this baby is every bit as important as the first two!!!
One of the things I had hoped desperately to do...which I didn't...was to have a photo college of Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe with a chalkboard beside it asking guests to "cast their vote". Would baby be a daring, free-spirited, lovely Anne, or a dashing, charming, handsome Gilbert.
Ahh, a girl can dream...

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