Friday, May 26, 2017

The Importance of Titles (Senseis, Presidents, and People in General)

Zeplin, Demitri, and I all attend karate.
This past week, we tested for our yellow belts -which are one knob above white- so we are still just treading water here.
But it's exciting. 
And with Demitri beginning Preschool in the fall, and Zeplin graduating to first grade and becoming a Cub Scout, the reinforcement of titles here seems warranted.

In karate, it is proper to bow as you enter the floor.
Additionally, when you address or are addressed by your Sensei, you bow.
It is respect
They have earned it...
the is where the magic happens.
You bow.
Humbling yourself;
Honoring them.

Our boys have been taught starting at a young age to look at people when addressing them.
Saying hello, thank you, asking questions.
You stop what you are doing, look the person in the eye, and then speak, using manners.

Titles such as Sensei are well-earned with lots of time, effort, and hard work.
Titles such as Miss., Mrs., and Mr. are equally important= they acknowledges someone's place in life. 

This makes me think of our President.
Prior to President Trump, President Obama was so often addressed simply -rudely- as "Obama".
Many do this now, too. "Trump" has, in many circles, replaced "President Trump".
Like it or not, he is a President.
It is his title.
He has earned it.

Although something like this is not a life-changing issue, it IS a life-defining issue.
But that I mean, many, many, MANY times I have been told that my boys have good manners.
No pat on the back here, I boast not about my parenting, but about their CHARACTER.
Yes, they are still young, impressionable, and typically have their father or I to remind them when necessary, but mostly, these sons of mine are developing positive character.

Good manners make impressions. 
So do bad manners, and the lack of, manners. 

Which do you wish to help craft your character?

Every month our karate Sensei has a "word of the month".
We study it.
Talk about it.
Share examples of and and encourage one another in, it.

This month, the word is character.

There will be a lot of banners my sons may chose to protest and/or bring awareness to, and I hope they do so with Godly encouragement and discernment.
This, here and now, is something I -as a parent- have a direct influence over.

Character, to me, is important.

Character Is Important. 

My three Beloved...not perfect, but perfect for me.


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