Monday, June 26, 2017

Weeks of Hellos

This post is way-belated!! Yikes!

I have been gathering my many HELLOs over the past few weeks and am ready to post them!
You may recall that the HELLOs theme originated with Lisa Leonard at Lisa Leonard Designs...Lisa, your product is AWESOME and BEAUTIFUL and hella CREATIVE, but I am a thrifty lady... if you ever go 75% off, let a sista know!!

Lots of fun wrapped-up in here, ya'll. For your entertainment, I suggest clicking here, now. Enjoy!

Hello seeing my doctor today about two weeks ago, who thinks my next pap smear should be scheduled for the week after my birthday- can be say Happy Birthday to me???
Hello Strep throat which is halfway on its way out our have our permission to never, ever, return ...Update: that round came and went, and we are on ANOTHER round AS I TYPE. This one hit ALL 3 BOYS!!
Hello big kids and little one, too, who are all so cute when they do every day ordinary things like eat, and smile, and breath...I LOVE YOU SO MUCH I CAN EAT YOU!!!
Hello sweet newest nephew who was Christened this past weekend and his special day brought family and friends together like a dream...
and also brought jalopeno, bacon, and cream cheese heaven-food to the party (yum!)
Hello knocking something off of our Summer Bucket List today! ...and adding one more item to it...
Hello hubby keeps our house feeling like an icebox and I never had this much disposable income growing up #movingup #luxaryliving
Hello he is on his way home with a pool! Update: we have the pool and the sand is due to arrive today. Can we say #thisishappening???
Hello life gaurd who is trying SO HARD to get Demitri into the pool at swim lessons...maybe tomorrow he will adventure past the third step... Update: He never got in the pool. We tried shamelessly to bribe him with candy, money, toys, and a trip to Monkey Joe's. the kid never budged. :(
Hello Annie F. Downs who I am loving these days! You are funny, you love God, and I want to be your, today you told me to write content for my blog consistently...(you told me this through an interview you did where you explained how this was the beginning of how you disciplined yourself to write. I am taking your advice. Mucho Gracis!! <3, your bestie, me!)

Hello Tennis Tuesdays and Ali for making this happen!

Hello 14-year-old Micheal who gave my boys a private lesson at karate yesterday. You give me hope for your generation. You remind me that youth can be awesome and you bring that scripture to life: the one which talks about not letting people look down upon you for your youth. You also give me inspiration for my sons. One day they will be 14, and I hope some mom some where can brag about how cool and well-mannered they are.
Hello Grow Group in my church featuring a small group with the focus on infertility. The book they have chosen to use as a study and guide? When Infertility Books are Not Enough which is written by A FRIEND OF MINE!! *Betsy Herman*
Hello cute new're adorable!!

(that's her, on the left)

Hello clean(ish) house!
Hello watching every episode of My Big Family Renovation #yay!doitagain!!
Hello "My Dear" playing as I write...I <3 you(r heart and face), Hunter Thompson!!
Hello Hollywood Darlings, I hope to watch you for a long time to come!

Much love,

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