Saturday, August 5, 2017

Embracing the Gift of Meal-Making, Hope for the Non-Lover of Cooking, (Like Myself)

I read a book and it changed me. 
Like, for real.

Where I have had no desire to cook in at least 2 consecutive years (2 yrs x 365 days in a year x 3 meals a day...), I am inspired. Even excited. 

To me, this is huge.
I feel in some ways that my womanhood had been in limbo; that my man was starving for his mother's homemade dinners which I could not give him; that my children were lesser-off than those with mothers who love this thing called "meal time". In my house, "meal time" is practically every 30 mins, as that's how often someone asks me to prepare something. 
So I read this book because I had seen acquaintances suggest it and knew it was popular in Christian circles, where approximately half my friends and I all live and linger. It was written by a friend of a friend -my bestie, you may know her, Jen Hatmaker(!)- and endorsed accordingly. The book is Bread and Wine and the author, Shauna Niequist.

Before the BELONG tour was canned (arrgghh!!), I decided I might want to be more familiar with the women I was going to see, i.e., read some of their work. 
Shauna (and Jen-my bestie who doesn't yet quite know who I am), and a handful of other lovely women were suddenly on my mind. So I looked-up my public library book resluts and began searching names and seeing if anything popped-up. Enter, Bread and Wine.

I will save you the play-by-play and simply encourage you to read this book which IS ONE OF MY TOP 10 BOOKS OF ALL TIME!!! Here's the thing, Shauna does beautiful work with words and I felt like she was descriptive enough that I could practically feel the atmosphere and smell the smells she was taking it, and yet, because she has experienced so very much, I felt as though I was on a journey with her- and I wanted that! I so enjoyed every bit of Bread and Wine and resented reaching the end. Instantly, Shauna became a dearly loved author-friend of mine...although she, also, has yet to actually meet me.

                                                              Charles Chen Dinner Club
So, funny thing about this book was, after reading it, I was ABSOLUTELY inspired to make food! I actually read through her recipes (which concluded each chapter), and figured-out ways to incorporate them into my family's meals. Instantly, I bought fancy ingredients like almond meal and pecans (which, my friends, are not cheap), and prepared a yum-yum dish of her Blueberry Crisp. You can read about it here, at Jenny Rosenstrach's blog, Dinner: A Love Story. ALSO, I spy this, Waldo!!- her blog post was published one year ago yesterday- meaning we have had Shauna on our mind almost one year to the day! *That's how you know it's good*

                                               We ate our Crisp with Vanilla Bean ice cream

Tonight, I am going for round two, ala, bacon wrapped dates with goat cheese filling. Here is a great blog post (with picture!) which includes the recipe and how-to.

Let's be honest, two recipes in a month's time is not, say, tre' impressive, but, it is certainly a start! And for this momma of three with little desire to cook, it is a start in a good direction.

So, in this book, Shauna writes memoir, she shares recipes, and she talks about community. And this is SO personal to me right now because the Lord has granted Big Strong Man and I ample opportunity for community. We are still, and so humbly I type this, the cool newbies in a foreign(ish), history town. We like to imagine people want to spend time with us and that we are, in all actuality, pretty cool.
But the truth is this: sometimes we sit around and pout as we see all of our small group going to see Jim Gaffigan without us, and, given the choice, I would rather have some friends over and make some essen and play cards. I choose to live. I choose community. And the best part of this is that there is no shortage of people who want to come over for a free dinner and lively bout of 500 Rummy. Not to brag but, we have had a group of four over the other day, followed by another day of two, and tonight, a family of four. Did I mention I am STARTING TO ENJOY COOKING AND HAVING COMMUNITY??? It's true. Tonight's menu? Yes, I have been planning it for over a week now AND I am simultaneously preparing a menu for our first Dinner Club (post to come).

Dinner Club. Although Shauna (and Jen, my bestie) each do Dinner Clubs, let me tell you how original I am. Well...not too original, as it is. I am taking their ideas and running with them. Why reinvent the wheel, I ask you? I am aware that Shauna's club is an all female club and I know if I lived closer I would be a permanent guest, but Jen's is more of a couple's get-together, and that is how I am leaning.
In exactly 16 days, Big Strong Man and I will be hosting 3 other families for dinner. 3 other families. This means a total of 4 husbands, 4 wives, and 9 darling children.

                                                               Highly Recommended

Oh friend, I do want to tell you so much more, but, alas!, it must wait for another post!
We have only 57 mins until our friends arrive and I have yet to get hte bacon wrapped dates and the pizzelli filling made!!! Gots to go!!!

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