Sunday, June 23, 2019

Go Mommy Blogger and The Better Mom Devotional, day 15; A Home With Purpose

I just read a Facebook post a friend of mine since Middle School wrote.
As she drove through town, Lauren Daigle's Trust In You playing, she noticed two of her teenage children in the backseat, worshiping.
In her post, she writes:  

As a mom the Only thing I want for my children above all else is for them to 
have a relationship with Christ and to feel that unbelievable pull to worship Him.  

I commented on her post and turned away from Facebook and on to my devotional. Day 15: A Home With Purpose. Before ever logging onto Facebook this morning, I had finished a post I had written and titled, Cursing in Turquoise. You can check that out here.

The point of writing that post and then seeing my friend's Facebook post today is uncanny when Ruth, our devotional's author, writes this:

God's truth, love, and promises are to be in our hearts, but that doesn't happen simply by living under the same roof. That's why we are to "impress" God's truth on our kids. We are to talk about who God is and what He has done when we "sit at home". We are to be intentionally training and equipping our kids with faith on the way to school, around the dinner table, while we're sitting on the back deck, or while we're tucking them in at night. (I would include, when you are driving through town as well.) She continues, Take some time this week to consider how you can use your home more intentionally for a purpose.  (all emphasis mine)

See, my friend, she gets it. She began running years ago and somewhere along the line her teenage children began to join her. Now, they go to New York every year as part of a mission's team. It's become something greater than the run; it's become a family event. And one event led to another and all of this led to the family driving the other night, worshiping.

My friend is intentional. 

Joshua 24:15 says this: 
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. 

May we all declare with humility and grace, "and so will I".


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