Monday, August 1, 2022

Operation: Early Timing (Operation Christmas Child in August)

Yesterday our church had a table set up with tons and tons of red and green boxes- sure signs of Operation Christmas Child. Although we know this ministry well, it was a shock to see them show up this early- As I type this, Christmas is still 146 days away. But here's the deal- this is Early Timing Brillance!

During the height of the Christmas season, adding another idea -as well-meaning and precious as it may be- just seems to muddy the already stirring waters. Advent calendars, Elf on the Shelf, Cookie Exchanges; Christmas plays, choir concerts, church services. Shopping, movie watching, snow days; Tree and house decorating, Christmas dinner prep, and holiday travel... the list goes on and on (and on and on...) But we are loyal to this cause because it is important work. 

For anyone unfamiliar, I suggest clicking here. The long and the short of it is this: each shoebox is pack and prepped to be shipped to a child somewhere in the world. This child may have never before received any such gift- so you can imagine the impact. That delight our *admittedly spoiled* kiddos share on Christmas morning? That, only 100x over. 

The boxes are not large- literally the size of a standard shoebox, but we try to pack ours to the brim. 

If you decide to pack one- or three!- here are some ideas for what can help fill your box from seasoned O.C.C. ministry supporters- McFive!  (This list is mostly taken from a previous post but has been altered slightly.)

These include:
*flashlights (These crank versions are AMAZING!!!)
*baseball caps**
*bar soap**
*band aids**
*wash cloths**
*flip flops**
*drawstring bags**
*sewing kit**
*Fun toys**
*Kid's Picture Bible
*Picture of your kiddos with packed boxes
*Balls- these are wildly popular (a deflated ball with a hand pump is prime!)**

**These items can be purchased at the Dollar Tree.

There is a complete list on the official sight, as well as where you can pick up your box, and how you can help fund its travel. 

Really, churches everywhere: THIS IS VALUABLE TIMING!
Beat the rush and craziness of the holiday season, when everyone is already strapped for cash and time. Take a page from Pastor Kent *bless* and put out your Operation Christmas Child boxes now!

Happy Packing!!!

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