Thursday, November 15, 2018

100 Days to Brave, day 23: Believe God Cares About Your Dreams

Today I am writing about something super intimate and real: my marriage.

Some basis truths:
Big Strong Man and have been married for the longer portion of 9 years! We will celebrate our 10 year anniversary in April 2019!
Together we have lived in three states: Indiana, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. And within these three states, 5 homes.
We have three sons- the coolest!!!
We have been through the death of his sister, my step-father, my grandfather, and his father. Countless friends as well.
We are aunt and uncle to 12 kiddos!

We have also attended something like 1/2 dozen different marriage counselors.
And cried, well, millions of tears.
I have asked God countless times why this marriage thing is so darned difficult. 
Why, when we did the right thing, it seems like so many pieces of our marriage should be better. Easier. More enjoyable.

Today Annie challenges us to believe that God cares about our dreams. 
And I have plenty. I hope you do, too.

One of my biggest, most pressing, personal, and the first to come to my mind: a healthy, strong, marriage. One that lasts. One that thrives.

Annie is currently single and childless when she has dreamt that she would be married with children by now. This is not her plan, her dream. So she shares this:

"I think there is something really powerful about being smack in the middle of the unwanted season and being able to look you [the reader] right in the eye and say, 'God has not forgotten you. Your life and your dreams are important to God.'

Do you believe that God knows your dreams better than you? That He is working, loving, and willing (to do the thing...the BEST thing) on our behalf?

Be Brave: 
What dream is in your heart that you haven't seen God do for you yet? 
What would it look like to be full of hope, 
even if you don't how know this story is going to end? 
(emphasis mine)

God has not forgotten you.

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