Saturday, November 17, 2018

Day 24, 100 Days to Brave: Dream Big

Today I felt a huge disappointment. While reading this devotional, I was hoping that my dilemma might coincide with a Scripture reference which would make everything better.
I got Mark 14:3-6.
Mark's Scripture is about the woman with the alabaster jar filled with expensive perfume. She broke it and poured it over Jesus, literally giving her all for Him. An outpouring for Him.

I am trying to find a common denominator. Something profound and revolutionary.
Instead I think of misfortune and how, is the God Who can do anything going to ask me to just be alright with my loss?   

Perhaps the deeper message is the laying down one's life. The "God is still good regardless...always...even when", stuff.
And meaning it.

We lay down our lives because we know that, even when it hurts, we can trust in God's hand over the circumstance. We can trust in God. 

The thing is this, I had this epiphany earlier and I suppose I need to rest there awhile.
I am grateful for the memories that day offered. We had a great time together as a family and with an old friend. We felt like rock stars. 
And, we are both thankful for the day and for the memories.                                   
I am not comparing my day with the woman's expensive perfume exactly, but I do see the connection with her giving something of great value to the One of Most Value.
Jesus, to You I give my heart and emotions. 
I desire to glorify You, even when I feel like crying. 
I will praise You through the tears. 

Be Brave: 
List one or two really big dreams you have for your life. 

My desire to write and for my words to take flight. In storytelling, in conferences, on book shelves. I desire to write and to write well.
My desire to grow old with Big Strong Man and reflect over our lives together and be overcome with gratitude.

How about you and your two, big dreams?

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