Wednesday, November 21, 2018

100 Days to Brave, day 29: Chase the Dreams that are Alive

Chasing the Dreams...
This is an action word.
A verb.
It involves movement.
It means having an object of desire: the thing worthy of the chase.

And I can think of a lot of worthy dreams.

I washed my dishes today and watched Rachel Hollis give a keynote speech in England.
OK, let's dissect this a moment:
Rachel Hollis *love*
motivational speaking *love*
England *love*

At the end of her speech, Rachel asked everyone in the audience to close their eyes and imagine...

...where are you when you are successful? 
What do you look like...
dress like...
Where do you eat...
what do you order...
What did you drive to get there...
what color is it...
What do you do for a living... much are you making?
Where do you live...

...what does your house look like? 

On and on she went, with the emphasis on this is YOUR dream, WHAT does it look like? 
No one gets to tell you how big your dreams can be. 

She then asked the audience if what they saw scared them and one lady responded. One.
Rachel's response?
Then the remainder of you aren't dreaming big enough dreams. 

She declared the your dreams should be SO BIG that they SCARE YOU. And I agree. 

Here, take the time to actually watch this and you'll see why she so inspired me:

Annie had some good bits today as well. She writes:
"God plants dreams in our hearts from an early age. He hands us talents long before we know exactly how to use them. And the young ones? They aren't afraid to think about those talents, to push into whatever that dream is, to be brave naturally.
"God loves to put wings on dreams that His kids chase, dreams that can bring Him glory."

I love the image of God placing a dream (many dreams) in our hearts and allowing them to sit until we discover them. Like Rachel directs us, it is edifying to dream our biggest dreams. Dreams capable of scaring us. And then honoring God by living out those dreams. Pursuing them. Chasing HARD after them. 

I'll throw my dreams out there again... as if you don't already know them by now!

I am a successful author. I write important, uplifting, truthful messages which people want to read.
I am a sought-out motivational speaker.
I am confident in who I am and it is motivational to others.
I make actual money writing this blog because I have sponsors and a tribe who supports me and I them.
I know many of the authors I so admire as we are mutual acquaintances.
(Jen Hatmaker, Annie F. Downs, Shauna Niequist, Emily P. Freeman, Angela Thomas-Parr, Candace Cameron Bure, Lysa Terkeurst, Rachel Hollis, Donald Miller, Bob Goff...I am talking to each and every one of you.)

These are career-driven dreams, I have many others which are not career-related as well.
What about you?
Will you be brave enough to sit down with yourself and dream the big, scary dreams?
If you are, your next step is to go chase them!

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