Thursday, November 22, 2018

Day 30, 100 Days to Brave: Tell Someone

I considered being a missionary. I mean, not to sound trite, but I thought I could do this and that it would be honorable and interesting. Good -Godly- work.
I like people- enough.
And can talk-ish.

But there were a few flaws in my consideration.
Like the fact that I hate insects, snakes, and pretty much being around animals.
Give me a zoo or a few moments with your house pet and my animal-love-tank is overflowing. I am most-assuredly fulfilled.
Give me a petting zoo, or an extended amount of time with your pet- cute and precious and all the things that it is- but I am so over it.

I also do not enjoy being dirty. Or sweaty. Or peeing in community.

When I really think about it, it is most honest to say that this may not be the life for me.
Sure, not all locations are dirty and poor, but at some point that defined "mission" in my mind, and it pretty-much stuck.

Annie's friend Mallory wanted to go to YWAM (Youth With A Mission).
Apparently this was not on her radar from the beginning, as she seemed hesitant, frightened even, of admitting this out loud.

When I write, it is a therapeutic avenue for me to express something inside of me.
I love it. It is life-giving.
But writing this to share, or speaking it out loud, this makes me a little hesitant. Frightened, even.
Admission has the ability to set things into motion...things otherwise hidden. 

Image result for bravery'

Be Brave: 
Call a friend today. Take him or her to lunch or coffee or meet up and go on a walk. 
And when ya'll are chatting, tell your friend that one brave thing that you haven't said out loud yet.
(emphs mine)
Image result for bravery'

You wanna hear one of my brave things?
It is a dream of mine to write a memoir. 
Maybe more than one. 
I am actually audacious enough to believe that I got to experience some amazing seasons of life which can each make for their own novel. 

And I they will be well-received because I am a very regular girl (check) who has experienced a lot of difficult seasons (check) but still has some fascinating stories to tell (check). 

People like ordinary Jill-Schmoes. Relatability. 
People like difficultly because we all need a challenge: we all face hard times, and we like to compare our experiences to others. To see how others persevere- or don't. 
And people like fascination- that which is out of our everyday. The stories which engage us. Keep us up past bed time. 

And I have all three. 
Triple threats!

I know this may sound obnoxious. I suppose I am simply feeling brave. But that's the point, right?
If I am not feeling a little braver on day 30 than I was on day 1, than what is the point? 

What is your brave secret? 


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