Thursday, December 13, 2018

Day 51: Change Always Happens (100 Days to Brave) (Advent Catch-Up, and Day 13)

Brave Enough To Face Change
Change Always Comes

I attended a Bible College which CLOSED DOWN the year following my freshmen year there. 
Next, I volunteered at the LA Dream Center and Claire, the super beautiful Aussie who had run the program for years, left. Just like that. 
The Olde World Cheesecake Company, European Coffeehaus and Bakery I worked at decided to shut it's doors after the price tag to stay located in our local mall skyrocketed.
The girl's home I worked at, St. Micheal's, up and shut down it's girl's home not too long after I left for Indiana.
The church Big Strong Man and I attended in NC endured a church split after we had attended for only one year. 

All of this equals change. For the longest time I felt as though it was confirmation that I was in the place the Lord wanted me when I could see something previously established come to a sudden end. 
Long-standing leaders

As I took notice, it was comforting to me to assume that I was where the Lord had placed me for that season and He was offering me some sort of evidence thereof. 

We live in a world which is ever-changing. 
One week my sister-in-love was here, happy and healthy. She got sick on a random Sunday and was in the arms of Jesus on that very Thursday. 

The one and only constant we have is God. He never changes. Never "falls off of His throne" (thank you, Bethel). God is good, all the time, so we sing.

And yes, this is sometimes radically difficult to understand. 
Where was He, exactly, when my s-i-l passed away? 
Or in the midst of human trafficking?

It takes faith and abandonment to put our faith in a God who is not bound to our preferences, opinions, or even prayers. It takes humility to trust that God knows better than we (the sum of all humans, ever) ever could.

So if we believe, that God is Who He says He is, then:
We can hold tight to our never-changing God and be okay because, in every other area of life, change is pretty much guaranteed. And you know what? Brave people are willing to let go of everything as they hold tight to God, even when things start to change. (emphs mine)

Be Brave: 
List a few changes you've seen in your life lately. 
How are you seeing God use these changes to shape you?

A little catch-up from the month of December: Our Playmobil Advent Calendar:

Here's the box. This was given to us a a gift and we adore it! What makes this Advent Calendar extra nice is that it is a slow progression. Nothing too flashy right from the start (the musical piano and Santa come much later). Also, this is a nice break from our boys collecting a little more junk in their boxed Advent Calendars.

Each day has it's own box.

Here is the beginning Christmas in the Park scene. We have this displayed in our dinning room.

Day One: The tree

Day Two: The Raven (extra nice since son #2 is a raven by name meaning)

Day Three: The Owl

Day Four: The Lady

Day 5: The Bag and the Sparrow

Day 6: The Stroller

Day Seven: The Babe!

Day Eight: The Blanket and Bottle

Day Nine: The Dachshund

Day Ten: The Bench

Day 11: The onslaught of BIRDS (Blue Jay [like son #3], Cardinal, and two others. Also, Snow for the tree.

Day 12: More Tree

Day 13: Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Alright, now we are caught-up. I am going to take a moment and play catch-up on all the other days. 

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