Thursday, December 13, 2018

The 20 Minute Courtesy and a Saran Wrapped Ball

I called her up with less than an hour to spare. Paper plates, I needed paper plates.
Upon further inspection, I also needed napkins, and plastic forks. 

All the things. 

Danielle was my rescue. She got me all. the. things. 

A week later it was the text from Heather, she was going to arrive 20 minutes early. My response to her was simple: 
Showing up early may or may not enlist you to pull your weight around here. You have been warned. 

The thing is this, there is this 20 minute courtesy that Danielle had brought to my attention that day she saved my party. 

Show 20 minutes early and be helpful. 
Slice tomatoes.
Blow up balloons. 
Wrap the party favors in Saran Wrap. (more on that below)

Show 20 minutes late and give me that extra time to prepare, because you know I need it!!
Your being fashionably late helps me to tie some loose ends, restock the snack bar, or grab a moment of rest before WHAM! Show face!
This is my happy space. The 20 minute courtesy. 

This allows the ultra-punctual, *ehem* my sister, to get her, "I arrived early because I am oh-so good at time management" fix, as well as me to not be punished with the stink eye when she anyone arrives to my party and I am still running around like the crazy hostess. bless.

So far as I am concerned, this is not only pure genius, but entirely polite. Like, in every. little. facet.

The 20-minute courtesy. 

Comment below and tell me if you are the 20-minute early start type, or the 20-minute "fashionably late" type. 

The Saran Wrap party ball. We have done this twice now, once at our New Year's party where we had the children wear winter gloves while trying to unravel the Saran wrap, and again more recently at our son's birthday party. I personally find this superior to a pinata because the children are constantly engaged and it costs about $25 less!

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