Friday, December 28, 2018

Day 66, Why Perseverance Matters: 100 Days to Brave (Fairies, Tattoos, and Pleas to Heaven)

When I was in Germany as a high school junior during our G.A.P.P. (German/American Partnership Program/ student exchange), I psyched myself up enough to actually think I would go through with getting a tattoo.
There was a tattoo shop in town called Bloody Kisses and I asked my host sister, Ulrika, if she would help translate my desire to the tattoo artist: half "Jesus fish", half fairy.  And yes, I said Fairy- like a little girl with wings and glitter. wtheck??

Image result for Jesus fish
Jesus Fish/ ICHTHYS

The tattoo I wanted to get would be so lame to me now.

But I do occasionally think about getting a tattoo. I know exactly where I would like it (on my left wrist), and I know exactly what it would be, the word, Maranatha. It would be small, and feminine. It would be worn like a badge of honor, a prized piece of jewelry, a constant reminder of the single thing I desire to define me. Maranatha: Come, Lord Jesus, Come

Annie has a tattoo on her right arm. It reads: Persevere.
She writes that, "it's there to remind me of who I want to be and how I want to live."  (emp. mine)

Maranatha is how I want to live. 
It is an overflow of desire (Come!) and anticipation (He IS Coming!). It was the cry of the early church in the time of Jesus, and it is my cry today.

I plea, Come!, because I know He is better than anything this world can offer
I plea, Come!, because I know that He is coming. Returning in His perfect timing. It's His nature: to save, redeem, make right, and fulfill His promises. 
I plea, Come!, because it reminds my heart that I am looking to Him and my eyes are steadfast. 

Maybe today you need a reminder to plea: Come! Lord Jesus! Come!
Maybe today you need a reminder to persevere.
Do so.
Push forward.
Pray harder.
Wait longer.

"Brave people don't give up. Brave people don't quit. Brave people realize that we rejoice in our sufferings because it leads to perseverance and perseverance produces character, and ultimately, it brings us to the hope we have in Jesus. Hope is worth fighting for." -Annie

  Be Brave: 
What does perseverance look like for you today? 

Today it looks like a tattoo. 

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