Saturday, December 29, 2018

Don't Give Up, Day 67: 100 Days to Brave (What I'm Reading Now)

Don't give up. This is Annie's plea for us today.
Don't give up this devotional; don't give up the hard stuff which is also good and beneficial for you; don't give up looking for brave and doing brave and being brave

"Looking for brave and doing things that are healthy for your mind, body, and soul will reap a harvest of blessing."

I like Annie's plea.
Did you know that, ever since high school, I have had this need to prove myself? To be organized, given higher responsibility, and to plan my days just so that everything gets done and somehow -somehow!- I am still sane, present, and committed to all.the.things.?

But this system has rarely benefited me.
Because I have noticed that it is unsustainable. 
I cannot lead and volunteer and do all the things to the degree and level and expectation I wish to do so. There are not enough hours in a day.
But I won't give up.
No, not on the important pieces.

I fear that I won't give up any of my commitments, feeling that each is important in it's own way, or "if not me, then who?". And I need guidance for certain.

But the important stuff? The devotions, the rest. Spending time with God, family, and alone. Even the stuff which doesn't come naturally but I desire for myself and my family: meal planning, dates, guitar practice, working out, prioritizing adequate rest.

With the new year approaching, you know that I already have lists -LISTS- of goals. Maybe you do too. But let's be encouraged, together, to not sacrifice the good for the best; the mundane and unimportant for the truly life-giving, utterly wonderful. 

Don't give up, okay? And neither will I.

Be Brave: 
Go on a short walk today. 
Think through the first two-thirds of this book 
and how you have changed because 
you have persevered and walked toward courage
(emp. mine)

My current situation: 2 calendar books (that top one is from TJ Maxx and Homegoods!!), 
devotional, notebook, guitar notebook, 
leisure reading: Dance Stand Run

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