Thursday, December 27, 2018

Divine Detours, Day 66: 100 Days to Brave and Invite to Join Annie

When my mother-in-love showed up on my porch Sunday morning I was barely awake and the reality of hosting someone, even someone I love so very much, sped like a bullet to the forefront of my mind.
My house was not guest-ready. Nor my fridge, my schedule, or my heart. 
But there she was, having had drove up this way from North Carolina, where she was previously visiting friends.

And her appearance delighted me- she came! she surprised us! she chose to come to us and love on us and make many sacrifices on behalf of us!
And my heart was delighted.

But it wasn't my plan.

After a Saturday with extended family and only a small handful of days until Christmas remaining, I was not anticipating nor wanting to entertain a guest.
It was days of Christmas preparation, days of immediate family activities, and days of *ahem* rest which I was looking forward to.

But some detours can be the best move for us. 
Like them or not. 

I like my m-i-l, I love her! When fistfuls of fellow moms in a MOPS group would bemoan their mothers-in-law, I would leave the meetings and call my mother-in-love, thanking her for being her. And with her kindness and humor, I can type with honesty how thankful I am that she is here. ...She's still here, presently in the living room with Big Strong Man watching the Big Bang Theory.

She leaves in two days and my heart is already heavy, not wanting to have her leave. Knowing that it will be too long before I see her again.

I helped her by unloading all the Christmas gifts she brought along, as well as her 12 pieces of luggage, and a bag of books. And you bet your bottom dollar I was all about that!

In it she had Sarah Young's Jesus Calling and Lysa TerKeurst's It's Not Supposed to be This Way- the latter being a book on my Cannot Wait To Read It list.

Until 9:30 arrived, which is my designated time to blog, I was sitting in my front room, reading about Lysa's life. Her realities and her perspective. And there are so many nuggets of truth and power here, so applicable to today's devotional.
Considering that there is likely a dream each of us has wished we were living at this present time, anything other can seem like a detour. 
Why am I not there yet?
Why does it seem I am going backwards, the wrong way all together? 

Lysa writes:
"If we find ourselves in an incredibly disappointing place -a place we don't want to be- a very long season of suffering that just goes on and on, or one we know will not be changed on this side of eternity, it's easy to start feeling that some of God's good plans don't apply to us."
...But the truth is, God is closer than we often realize. He sees things we don't see, and He knows things we don't know. He has a perspective from where He sits which allows Him to see all things
-the past, the present, and the future- from the day we are conceived to the day we return to the dust and even beyond that into eternity."

Even detours are on God's radar.

I wasn't anticipating my mother-in-love's visit. I wasn't prepared. But I have the choice to see this as a negative detour and fuss over the plans I held loosely for this week, or I can see the detour for what it is, and enjoy the ride.

I chose to enjoy her.

Be Brave: 
In your journal, list two or three detours that have happened in your life. 
As you look back now, can you see how they worked out for your good in the end?  

Hey! Did you know you can FOLLOW ANNIE on her #100daystobrave journey? Starting January 1st, 2019, Annie will be on Facebook offering a daily check-in for the first week and then again on the 25th, 50th, 75th, and 100th day.
Don't already have Annie on your Facebook? Go get her!

This is the ONLY #100daystobrave group Annie is doing in 2019, so you do NOT want to miss out!
You can get yourself a copy by heading over to Amazon. 

Image result for annie f downs nd 100 days to brave

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