Monday, December 24, 2018

Don't Be Afraid, Day 62: 100 Days to Brave (Advent Day 24)

Please don't let fear win.
Annie's plea right from today's start.
Which I second.
Please. No. Fear.

I suppose I am writing this because I am working my way through this devotional and feeling a little more brave today than I was at the beginning of this devotional.
So when Annie asks what my current fear is, I am hesitant to answer.
Hesitant because I just don't know. 

I am afraid to audition for Mrs. America.
That's a legit fear.

And snakes. Oh. My. Goodness.

But a personal fear? A dream I have yet to realize because of fear?

This blog feels like a good start.

There is a lot about marriage that I fear.
Like, the hard times.
The times when eyes roll and tempers flare.
I fear the unknown of what can change.
Of love professed but not seen.

But we continue to hug. 
And root for one another. 
So why the fear?

Regardless of the why, which is unpredictable and fluid, I know there is a solid rock which does not move. In it, there is the ability to not be afraid.

Be Brave: 
Where are you letting fear hold you back? 

Today I am having a difficult time figuring out what story to share, what parallels to draw, what conclusion to write. And there are many truths here, but I suppose the gist is that life is scary, as is marriage. And I am in the life and marriage stage, so....
But I have reason to be brave, and if you know Christ, Who Is The Rock*, then you, also, have reason to be brave. Don't be afraid. 

Advent Day 24- the Final Frontier!!
A Music Box Playing Jingle Bells!!

And the final state of our Advent Calendar! 

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