Wednesday, December 12, 2018

When Relationships Change, day 50: 100 Days to Brave (Advent, day 12)

I once parked my rear end inside my neighbor's pool and flat out refused to get out. 
Rish and I were friends who were sometimes not friends and on that day, we weren't present friends, you know what I mean?
For whatever reason, I sat there, dignified, as if it was proper and allowed that, although we were not talking, I most certainly could be found lounging in her pool.

It makes me smirk, to think of myself, maybe all of seven years old, sitting there, defiantly.  In part, I want to so congratulate and applaud the brass I had, the cojones. In part, I am blushing at the misguided sass.

Image result for vintage swimming ladies
Here is an actual photo of me in Rish's pool. I am the one defiantly laughing on the right.  Source
Changing relationships are not indigenous to the young alone. As a grown woman, I have had to walk away from relationships which felt toxic, and have, in some terrible cases, been the toxin. 
Let me tell you about the time I sold purses with a home-based business and all the friends I lost during that season. 

Moving away amplifies this.
So does getting married and having children.
Being a Christian in a sea of friends who are not.
Saying no.
Getting divorced.

The list goes on and on. People change. We change. And, because it is natural and normal, sad and healing, relationships change, too.  

Be Brave: 
Do you see a relationship in your life changing? 
Write about it. Ask God to show you where He is in the midst of this change. 

Advent, Day 12: 
More Tree


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