Thursday, December 20, 2018

When You Let Go, Day 58 (Advent day number 20 and Surprise Appearance by Bob Goff)

Two things.
In Annie's devotional today she mentions two things which hit me straight on, like a dagger.
The first is a reference to Bob Goff, as in, One. Of. My. Favorite. Authors. People. Ever. 

So, if you have no clue who Bob is, stop.
Read Love Does.  (This made my top 10 list of books I have ever read. Ever.)
Listen to this podcast episode he did with our Annie.
Listen to it again.

Image result for bob goff

Bob is one of the most inspirational people I have ever known- and I feel like I legit know him.
I so appreciate him and the huge way he loves people.

Image result for bob goff

The second thing Annie mentions is this series of lines which I read and re-read and really wanted to share on here.

The deeper call for courage comes when you let go with nothing ahead to grab. Letting go like that is the hardest. It's when courage has to bubble out of you. That's when your insides have to be like steel.

Can you recall a time in your life when you had to rely upon these steel-like insides? When your courage was made to bubble, and you didn't stifle the flow? 

That's courage.

Bob has courage.
He speaks with witch doctors.*
He educates them.
He loves on them.
That takes some massive cajones.
Courage of steel.

Image result for bob goff

I have felt courage like this on occasion. The type which scares you breathless, yet you find yourself walking through it and you are somehow able to embrace the moment.

It's like the roller coaster ride you sit down for and instantly regret. 
You ride it through, head down, eyes closed, reminding yourself to consciously chose to keep breathing.

It's the bubbles.

Be Brave: 
Bob Goff says quit something every Thursday.
What can you quit this week? 

Image result for bob goff

*You followed the asterick? Stop. Go back up to the link for Annie's That Sounds Fun podcast and listen!! Check out Bob's book, Everybody Always while you're discovering your appreciation for his heart. No doubt you will have three distinctive feelers:
Gratitude (you're welcome)
Excitability (take what you feel for God and people and do something wild and lovely with that)
and Awe. (You are just. that. great, Bob)

Image result for bob goff and Annie F Downs

Day 20: The Angel

Check out all the birds. 
Whomever thought that so many birds were this important to include... 
Ay Yi Yi

 And look real close. 
There are roughly 100 birds in that tree, 
still, one of my Littles decided another one was needed: 
Hatchimal, the Advent Angel's Angel. 

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