Monday, December 10, 2018

Your Online Life: day 48; 100 Days to Brave (Advent, Day 10)

Confession. Big Strong Man and I met-ish on the internet. Through MySpace, actually. And we reconnected/met, not solely meeting as in, for the first time. Confused? Yeah, this story has that affect on people.

The thing is, when I'm being honest, I can confess that I am *just a little bit* embarrassed that we met(-ish) this way. It doesn't seem very romantic or natural, but forced, unnatural, and even lame.
There I wrote it. 
And I am SO SORRY if I am offending anyone. 

In truth, I have this negative slant towards social media because I think it is so widely abused. Yet, here I am, utilizing it, and gratefully, too.
So many of use are on some form (or many forms) of social media and so many of us are confessing Christians, so where do these two truths merge?

Today Annie reminds us that, "Readers don't have to really know me for them to experience God through my life." 

And this is truth, across all mediums and outlets. 

Although today we are focusing on online interactions, I dare say this is necessary also when we receive the unsolicited call on our phone, knock on our doors, and greet by the bell-ringing do-gooder. 

Related image

It is us being the light of Christ wherever we are, whatever we do, and with whatever resources we have. 

Be Brave: 
Take a picture of the cover of this book, and post it to your social media spots. 
Offer your friends to join you in this 100-day challenge. 
Make sure to use the hashtag #100daystobrave!

The thing about Big Strong Man and I reconnecting/meeting-ish is that we both presented ourselves well before the other. We wanted to be above reproach. To stand out. 
We had purpose.

And we are reminded today that we still have purpose. And with every word typed, we have a choice to make in regards to how we represent Christ to a world which may not yet know Him. 

May we all be found presenting ourselves -and the Lord- above reproach. 

Advent, Day 10: 

The Bench

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