Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Family Which Rests Together (Sunday Sabbath and Naps for the Win)

It has easily been four years...maybe five.
Every Sunday, McFive tries to honor this little thing called Sabbath.
Little...not little, which is what Demi Lavato would sing if she felt a desire to write a song about Sabbath.

It began as a subtle prompt from God- I really felt in my heart that God was asking me to take this seriously- to practice Sabbath as a family.

Sunday Family Day Quotes: top 6 quotes about Sunday Family Day ...

So, it sure helps to know what Sabbath is. If you need some assistance, you can click here.
In essence, it is honoring God by resting, and following the commandment to "Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy".

I confess...this was a lot more difficult in my mind.
So many questions and "rules" filled my head space:
So do I just sleep all day...?
Can I read...can I read something other than my Bible....or must I sleep?
Is this just a "chill" kind of day?
And what about dinner? Someone has to cook...?
Do I need to leave the dishes in the sink overnight in order to honor the Sabbath entirely? 

What about when Hiking Club or Soccer Practice meet on a I allowed to attend? 
Are we only supposed to watch movies and read books with Christian plot lines?
Is watching Schitt's Creek on the Sabbath sacrilegious???

When it came down to it, resting was what resounded in my heart.
Rest -and in our case- actually take a nap. Everyone.
And so, we did.
For the last five years, McFive can most-often be found in some state of rest on a Sunday afternoon. And, although Big Strong Man most often stays awake and relaxes in his recliner listening the news with his eyes closed, and Zeplin will often beg to lie in his bed and read short story after short story, Demitri, Thatcher, and I are always found snoozing.

Here's the kicker- 
regretted the sleep.

I am typically the last one to crawl out of bed after the fact, wishing our "afternoon nap" was 3,4, or 5 hours long, not 1 or 2.

And even when I feel like the time might be better served doing something else (because there is always something), I mostly have little problem reminding myself that this is a gift, and I feel very specifically that God has called us to this, and so I do. I rest.

As a family, and during this time of quarantine, 
it is our privilege to carve space 
for building traditions and making the most of our time.

We can honor God and honor our families when we build traditions with meaning and lasting ability.

Sundays - rest, family, home, a day to rejuvenate and feel ...

Celebrating the Sabbath (honoring it and celebrating it- because taking a good nap is akin to attending a good party!), is something we do, but it is not just for Christians and Jews. This is not just a "religious" concept. Everyone can benefit from a time of reset, pause, relaxation, and simplicity.

(This reminds me of a book I read last year which speaks such wisdom and is so pertinent to this topic: Rhythms of Renewal by Rebekah Lyons.)

                                                      Rhythms of Renewal: Trading Stress and Anxiety for a Life of Peace ...

If you have not already made this practice something you do as a family, here is my encouragement to you: find a way, prioritize this, and make it tradition.

Maybe it will not be Sundays. Maybe it will not ring of "religion" at all.
Maybe your family can build a tradition around playing a board game every Tuesday while eating popcorn and drinking hot cocoa.
Maybe it can be a celebratory "welcome to Monday" (such an overlooked day), with a sweet treat everyone makes together and enjoys after dinner.
Or maybe it can be as simple as "Pancake Wednesday" wherein you make pancakes for brekky (or dinner!) every Wednesday and always add something different to them for the fun of it!
Strawberry pancakes...chocolate chip pancakes...sweet potato pancakes!!! (We did this for two summers straight and never got tired of it!)

Our Sabbath is fairly simple, as our favorite Sundays are.

A Fit New Day: Sunday inspiration. Motivational quotes. Snuggle ...

This is a day in which we attend church (And during this quarantine lots of churches as sharing their message through online services, so you will certainly want to check this out if you have not already!), we have lunch together, and then we sleep. After the nap, it is fair game. Sometimes we do some stuff around the house. Many Sundays all the boys care to do is watch the television, and all I care to do is read a book- and this is OK with us!

The new Library | Sunday quotes, Inspirational words, Cool words

Now it is your turn: Do you celebrate the Sabbath, and if so, how?
Do you have traditions (or are you interested in beginning some) revolving around rest and simplicity?

All the very best,

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