Sunday, November 15, 2020

Season of Gold (Snap Shots of the Season)

 So apparently putting up one's Christmas decor the SECOND WEEK OF NOVEMBER is a thing. As a matter of fact, the SECOND WEEK is something like a late start. What. In. The. Actual. World?

My girl Amy did it in her latest post and I just saw Jen's Day 4 post on her 14-day Free and Grateful Challenge. Yep, her too. 

I'm not complaining, I kinda-sorta-really love the idea. Kinda-sorta thinking of doing the same.  Have you pulled the plug and decorated with wreaths and trees, Advent calendars and peppermint sticks?

So in the midst of November and this incredible unbelievable ridiculous prodigious Year. Of. The. Lord. 2020, it is all things Thanks on which I am trying to focus. 

Like this: popcorn on it's cob

And this: homemade-from-scratch dumplings

Last week Zeplin turned 10 and went from this kiddo to this one:  
As a child, I SO WANTED BRACES! I used to weave dental floss between my teeth and pretend they were braces. I would also plaster the silver foil from my Big Red gum to my teeth and pretend it was braces... yep, that was me...! Now my first born has them and, I cannot help myself- He is just TOO CUTE!!!

We celebrated his DECADE with GOLD!!!

The boy's cousin also celebrated his birthday- Mario style...

...and that was how I scored these cool clown photos:

 During the arm painting, one of my Beloved farted. I was standing there, next to my son and the clown and could tell that he would have been embarrassed if it was acknowledged. Still, I looked at him and whispered, jokingly, "did you just fart?" He vehemently denied it. 
I am very aware that my sons have taken one for the team in the past, so I understood that it was my turn to return the favor. "It was me!" I declared, knowing that everyone knew it wasn't and yet my son was saved from the embarrassment and I DID THAT FOR HIM. *yay mom*
It wasn't until, hours later, that I retold the story in my mind and asked myself, "What if is really wasn't my son? What if it was the clown?" 
Oh. My. Gracious.

In one of the books I read recently, the author compared the falling leaves of Autumn to God sprinkling confetti for us. I liked the imagery of that. A Lot. 

It's like a party while I walk. 

Alright, friend, your turn. 
What looks like celebration to you? Are you breaking out your Christmas decor just yet, or are you the stern Day-After-Thanksgiving-And-Not-A-Moment-Earlier type? 

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