Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Meet McFive

Meet McFive

In our home, I am wildly outnumbered by males.
Four to one, to be exact.
If we add a pet someday, I may have to insist on a female.

Big Strong Man (BSM) is my husband. We have been married for almost six years.
He is witty and handsome and his love language is gift-giving. He has a garage filled with projects that are half finished and some just barely touched. Those items which have made their way out of the garage have been amazing- rare as they are.

Before our sixth year anniversary, we will have welcomed baby boy number three to our party.
He will be our only child with two middle names- a result of being the final child with too many names to honor. He lives most of his days sitting directly on my bladder. He kicks, I pee. So is pregnant life.
His blogger name is Thatcher.

This little man will be hugged and kissed and desperately loved by his two older brothers and their blogger names:  Zeplin and Demitri.

Zeplin is our firstborn. Blonde haired and blue eyed, this little man loves to dance and sing and enjoys being the center of attention. He is sweet and kind, and has a sensitive and beautiful heart. He recently turned four and firmly believes his fifth birthday is only a couple of days away: hopeful and innocent.

Dimitri is our fireball. If you read my post on Affirmation, you may be aware that he is our loud two year old. He is a little man with big feet which lead me to believe he may ultimately be taller than his older brother and maybe even his daddy. He is brown haired and brown eyed and has a smiling dimple. He will probably be the world's greatest father as he has a love of small balloons, balls, dolls, combs -pretty much anything smaller than him- which he will hug and cuddle and kiss while patting it's head (or what his imagination considers to be the head) and calling it "baby".

These are my four favorite guys in the world: My McFour.
Here's where I come in.
My name is Gomommyblogger. I am a Yankee who is living in the South and hoping to raise boys with sweet southern accents. More importantly, Big Strong Man and I are doing our best to love our boys and bless God, our redeeming, Heavenly Father. When our boys sing "Jesus, Lover of my soul" alongside their daddy at night, we are reminded that our love for these boys is much deeper than the hugs and kisses, it's the love of their very souls.

Welcome to our family, gomommyblogger

                                                                    Can you believe I:

ended-up with this stud??!!:

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