Thursday, December 18, 2014

Of Good Cheer...

Of Good Cheer...

This is a new post of mine, something dear to my heart. Many of the post I have shared, and will share, have been written over the course of 2014. I have attached their original dates so that this blog can also bear witness as a journal to my McFive. This one is being written today, December 18th.

My two Littles are napping. My third Little is a little kicky, but not too active in the lower part of my growing baby belly.

The heading I chose here is a Christmas carol, did you recognize it?
           ...with the kids 'jingle-belling' and everyone
                     telling you, 'be of good cheer'...

At this time of the year, I know the inclination is to be an ironic combination of both greedy and giving.
My hope is to focus on the giving.

So in some round-about way, I thought this would be a good preface into a few other blog posts I have already written. Each one is about someone who is in a state of struggle, or has already returned to glory with our Lord Jesus.
In the spirit of giving, can you take some time today to pray for those in your own life who are in their own state of struggle?

with love and dedication- gomommyblogger

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