Monday, December 29, 2014

More than Christmas

        There seems to be this line drawn year after year when it comes to Christmas.

Some of us stand firmly on the joy of Christmas trees the day after Thanksgiving and red, white, and green everything. Those of us in this category enjoy decorations galore and have Christmas music playing nonstop in our kitchens, minivans, and cell phones.
The other side of the line belongs to those who refuse to listen to Christmas music until the Big Day approaches, and are among the funny ones who take down all Christmas paraphernalia first thing December 26th.
Where do you fall?

I suppose I made it clear. I fall under the first group.

The reason I am writing this today is because the Christmas I am referring to, the one I LOVE, is a little unlike any other I have ever known.
As a matter of fact, my four year old helped this year to make it very unique to us and both he and our nine year old god-daughter, who celebrated Christmas with us, gave us two, new and wonderful traditions.

Do you have Christmas traditions? If you do not celebrate Christmas, do you have fun holiday traditions you enjoy this time of the year?
Below I have uploaded about a dozen (plus) photos of our Christmas.
Really, our decorations.
Although our focus is far from all the commercial celebrations you see on the television, we still have a blast celebrating the entire month of December and, for the boy's sake and the curiosity of the reader, I am posting the pictures. (And, I admit, I don't want to forget either!)

This Christmas was one of my favorites. EVER.
Maybe it was because the boys really got a feel for Santa and Frosty; Rudolf, and the "Snow Monster"- as my sweet Demitri affectionately calls the Abominable Snow Monster.
Maybe it was because one of my dearest friends, her daughter Lexie (who is Big Strong Man's and my god-daughter), and Lexie's father, who is a kind man, were able to join us when it seemed we would be spending Christmas alone as a family of five- mind you, baby Thatcher is still in utero! 
But more than that, more than anything, this year they understood that the reason we celebrate, the REAL reason for the season, is the birth of Jesus.
All month long, the boys would talk about their excitement: gifts they were hoping for; will it snow?; and the coveted birthday cake.
Yes, birthday cake.

So now I leave you with the BEST of the BEST of our Christmas traditions, both new and old, and sweetly offer them to you and your family as a gift, should you care to incoorporate them into your next Christmas.

*On Christmas Eve, along with the homemade chocolate chip cookies (with red, green, and white striped morsels) we make for Santa, Lexie taught us to mix both oatmeal and glitter for reindeer food! The three children enjoyed throwing this all over the front lawn.

*We do Advent calendars all month long and had the three children de-code a mystery together which led them all to the Christmas tree. Underneath was one, small, gift for each of them.
Growing up, this was something my parents allowed my brother, sister, and I to do on Christmas Eve.

*Every Christmas since the boys were born, Big Strong Man and I have made a birthday cake and sang "Happy Birthday" to Jesus.
This was something I heard of first when I was in youth group. One of the youth helpers and his family started this tradition with their young children. All these years later, we have also made it our own.

*Two of our sons (Zeplin and Demitri) are end-of-the-year babies, same as Big Strong Man and I. This means, we end-up with FIVE birthday celebrations over the course of just a few weeks.
Zeplin had been asking for a helium filled balloon for awhile, as the 20+ still floating around our house from all our partying are all air filled. Who knew in that moment a new tradition would surface?!:
A Happy Birthday balloon to send to Jesus in Heaven on Christmas Day!

We opened our December 25th Advent calendar door and each child found a baby Jesus to place in it's proper nativity. Afterwards, we read quite possibly THE BEST book for children to learn about Christmas:

We then sang Happy Birthday, blew out candles, and the kiddos released the balloon. 

 Merry Christmas to you!!

Our seven stockings: Jen, me, Zeplin, Craig, Demitri, Big Strong Man, and Lexie.

Our "Colts Blue" Christmas tree.
(Can you see the actual Colts ornaments on there shining?)

The musical snowman on the right is from my childhood!
(This awesome USA shaped cut-out pallet came from Hobby Lobby!)

The kiddo's tree to play with and decorate.

This little tree is filled with all of our gorgeous -many of which are homemade-
ornaments from over the years. Most are mismatched and come from B.S.M. and my childhoods.  

This birthday banner barely stayed away for two months!

Christmas portrait number one.

Our two Advent calendars and one of the nativitys.
(Plus homemade reindeer ornaments hanging from the knobs!)

Another one of our nativitys.
Quite a few pieces are missing, but this is roughly 30 years old and from my childhood.

Another one of my favorite Christmas sets from my childhood.

Family Christmas portrait number two.

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