Thursday, January 1, 2015

This Year's Story

It is 12:46 am. January 1st. 2015...why am I still awake??

It is because I am excited!
Do you know the pleasure of finding something so good that you just have to have it right then?
A good book you can not possibly put down....
A bag of chocolate chip morsels....
Seeing the first episode of Downton Abbey and wondering how you can sleep without first watching every moment of every season...?
That's how I feel right now.

There is simple pleasure in discovery.
I just took a moment to look at a stranger's blog:
Mother like me. Yes.
Lover of Jesus. Yes.
Trying this blogging life. Yes.
It is invigorating!

I have poured so much of my heart into this blog long before it ever went public.

So finding a new blog to admire, or a beautiful life quote, these excite me.
Today I found both.
As we ring in the New Year, here are some wonderful thoughts to behold:

       "If your dreams don't scare you
           they aren't big enough!"

Every year millions of people make New Year Resolutions; I am just one in a million+.

For as long as I can remember, remembering  important dates and making a big deal out of them have made my resolution list.
My momma is amazing at remembering dates and sending Hallmark cards.
Birthdays. Check.
Thanksgiving. Check.
Boxing's as though she took up stock in the card making industry.

What about electronics? This year, I resolve to not be on my phone, on the computer, or watching television with no purpose and certainly not at the sake of my family.
It makes me feel instantly guilty to my core when one of my Beloved is trying to show me how high he can jump or is asking for some milk and I am on Pintrest for the umpteenth time that day just browsing.

And self. Well, I resolve not to look at the baby weight as a burden. I am blessed to carry such amazing children. I resolve to sleep when my little men do, because sleep is a natural mood and health booster. I resolve to look at myself in the mirror and smile more. I like me. I want to show me that I care.

So now it is your turn.
Any New Year's mantras or resolutions for your 2015?

-all the best in enjoying the 365 days to make them happen!

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