Thursday, January 1, 2015

Mommies are Allowed to Hug Their Sons Whenever They Want (first series of the new year)

Welcome back!
As I sit here conjuring up different ways to begin this post, let me confess that it is December 30th, not January 1st, and I am typing this as if the new year has already begun.

2015 is already exciting to me. Babies to be born (including one of my own), first time sports for Zeplin and VBS for Demitri, resolutions, and that never-ending mystery of what is to come.
Admittedly, I am an eternal optimist.

I once lived in Germany as an Au-pair and tore a magazine ad out and posted it to my mirror. It read:

Translation: Optimists are sure that pessimism is ending. Yes, indeed!

As a running start to this new year, I am preparing a two-part series about my two leading men...well, those not in utero and who can be smothered in mommy kisses by yours truly:
Zeplin and Demitri

I have collected some of my favorite posts of them and would like to honor these sweet little men and share some wonderful moments with you.

You can enjoy their stories in the next two posts:
Zeplin's World
Demitri's Life

I look forward to seeing you there!
-blessings in the New Year!,

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