Monday, February 23, 2015

Book List 2015

Book List 2015

Once upon a post I wrote about resolutions and inspiring book reading.
Today I thought I would post a follow-up in hopes of re-igniting that
inspiration in me (and maybe you, too).

As I looked through the books I have on some shelves in our "classroom".
-which is a bonus room and is  was set-up like a wonderful classroom...
save the closet which is stock-full of crafting supplies and the unfortunate
position the right wall holds as "run over storage space".-
I realized that there are a TON of great books out there and I am very
fortunate to have so many at my fingertips. Maybe you are too, let's dive
deeper into some, shall we?

I decided which books I felt would most greatly impact my family, my love
of God, and myself and went from there.

I also chose two books that I previously read and am eager to read again,
(Blue Like Jazz and Hinds Feet on High Places) as well as a daily devotional
(Quiet Moments with God for Mothers) and a writing challenge for myself,
(A Mother's Legacy:Your life story in your own words).
Here is my pile:
My 2015 Book List

If you have read, are reading, or would like to read any of these shared books,
please let me know. It could be fun to read them together like a book club, or
to talk about at some point.

*Praying Circles Around Your Children, Mark Batterson
*Hinds Feet On High Places, Hannah Hurnard
*Mountains of Spices, Hannah Hurnard
*Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul, John and Stasi Elderedge
*The Power of a Praying Wife, Stormie Omartian
*Quiet Moments with God for Mothers, Honor Books
*A Mother's Legacy:Your life story in your own words, Gift Books from Hallmark
*When Infertility Books are not Enough: Embracing Hope During Infertility, Betsy Herman
*Blue Like Jazz, Donald Miller**
*The Church that Never Sleeps, Matthew Barnett

-two down, six(ish) to go, gomommyblogger

**p.s. Donald Miller is one of my favorite authors! If you have not already read some of his amazing writings (think, I-cannot-possibly-put-this-book-down; he-writes-at-the-speed-of-my-thought-process; his-writing-is-incredibly-engaging-and-entertaining), than may I recommend that you start here as well? Blue Like Jazz (which was turned into a movie- if you prefer to watch) is such great reading material!

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