Monday, March 2, 2015

Get Your Life in Order/Important Documents (March: week of days 2-8)

Get Your Life in Order/Important Documents (March: week of  days 2-8)

Welcome back! If you are new to this blog, welcome!
This is the official week 2 challenge, which will be the week of March 2-8. 
I don't blog on Sundays, so, if a month starts on a Sunday, than the new week's challenge will always begin on a Monday. 
If this is all new to you, feel free to click here for an intro: and you can follow the "2015 challenge" link under LABELS over here ---> 
for a list of each week's challenge.

The goal for this month is Important Documents

Here goes:
This week is all about deciding how you are going to file your important documents.
If you already have a handy, useful filing system, you are likely ahead of the game and can cross this week off of your list. 
If you do not however, here are some suggestions:

*a 3-ring binder with page protectors (you know, that you slide paperwork into)
*Organ binder

Once you  have this in place, you will want to have a safe location to store everything. 
Here are additional suggestions:
*a safe
*a filing cabinet

If you find yourself in a position were it is simply not possible to purchase/utilize these objects, be creative! The aim of this week's challenge is to have something in place. 
If your something is a shoe box in a closet, that works!

We have 7 days to complete this goal, my friends. 
Have at it!-gomommyblogger

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