Friday, February 13, 2015

Dry Skin (Dr. Bronner's Pure Castile Soap)

Dry Skin 

It is always fun to see the differences between siblings. 
In our case, we have gorgeous blonde-haired, blue-eyed Zeplin
and a crazy-handsome brown-haired, brown-eyed Demitri. 

I must admit, I am wondering (and hopeful, too!) if baby Thatcher
will have red hair and hazel eyes...or green, I'm not picky!

With all the differences in personalities, (Zep is pretty sensitive and 
a complete sweetheart. Demitri is louder and more assertive but 
dishes out hugs and kisses like no other I know.)  and the obvious 
physical traits, it strikes me as interesting that they would both have 
the same, dry skin.

Dry skin, not a big deal. I know.
We have gotten into a routine of  using facial moisturizer and lotion 
safe for children and with Eczema-fighting additives.

It seems that, regardless of these treatments, my boys are still dry.
I guess a small deal becomes bigger when you just want your babes 
to feel comfortable in their own skin- literally.

To their genes, they have been given Eczema (and possible Psoriasis) 
from their daddy and year-round dry skin from their momma.  
I feel responsible and just want them to be smooth. Soft. Comfortable. 

So we recently had a well check-up at our pediatrician and I asked 
about their skin. 
Dry skin, is the conclusion. It is winter.
But no! It is like this all year long!

So, two helpful solutions hit me like a sack of potatoes one right after 
the other:
Our pediatrician had a humidifier. Of course! We need some moisture 
in their room!
Purchase a humidifier. Check.

The second was a second-go-round for us.
Before I was pregnant with baby Thatcher, I led my family in trying to 
eat healthier and live greener. During that time, I looked into 
Dr. Bronner's Pure Castile Soap as this was an object I saw repeatedly 
on the green blogs I was obsessed with really into. 
Once I got sick -during my first trimester and beyond- all things that 
required any additional work went directly out the window. 
This included "no-poo" hair washing and Dr. Bronner's. 
In his defense, there was not much work at all, it was just an extra trip to 
Whole Foods or Deep Roots and we cut those trips out of the picture for 
the time being.

So here we are once again, I am feeling healthy and my Littles are in need
of something better than Johnson's baby wash...which I already know is 
terrible. (See here.)
On a beautiful Sunday (literally, it was 70+ outside on a February day!) my
Littles and I headed out to Deep Roots for deionized water and castile soap.

Once we made our purchases, I realized that I would like a nice container 
for diluting.  One of the really great things about this soap in liquid form is
that you dilute it highly, so it lasts awhile. 
Later that day, while the Littles were with their daddy, I headed out in search
of a dispenser. 

I stumbled across this one at the Dollar Tree and felt double-blessed because
I was able to pour it's contents into some empty soap dispensers I already had,
and then this one remained for fancy Dr. Bronner's soap. 

Naturally, I cleaned it out well before I added the good stuff.

So, long post on soap, I know. 
Thanks for sticking it out with me. 
If you have not already tried Dr. Bronner's, I would recommend it. 
It's green. It's organic. It's economical.

P.S. I am hoping the lotions, moisturizers, humidifier (cool air) and castile 
soap make a difference on their skin. 
If you have any suggestions about dry skin, please feel free to comment

-Thanks!, gomommyblogger 

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