Saturday, February 14, 2015

True Love Waits

As I type, it it Valentine's Day, 2015. 
In every sense of the premise, I am excited about showering love on those I care so much for. Honestly speaking, I am probably a little too excited at the fact that, when asked what I would like for this special day, I replied: maternity pictures. 
Big Strong Man detests picture taking. 
He gets easily irritable when I ask him to take one, and downright annoying (so sorry babe!) when I ask him to be in them. 
Did I mention that he DETESTS pictures?

The maternity shoot will not be today, and he will not be taking them, but getting him to agree, amicably, was the highlight of the day. 
Well, there was also that moment when I fed Zeplin and Demitri their heart-shaped, chocolate chip pancakes this morning and Zep, being a fun four year old, stabbed his hearts over and over.
Then he asked to stab mine. 
I gave him the go-ahead, but when I asked him why he was doing that his response was gold:
Momma, I want to do something special for you, too.
*sigh* I can have many highlights- I allow myself!

So this post is sweet and will serve as a lovely reminder some day when I have forgotten these treasures, but there is another route I am wanting to share today as well:
True Love Waits.
There is a song by Radiohead (I don't know it, in honesty), and there is a newer movement called, the "True Love Project", but I am actually referring to the curriculum I attended as a 17 year old during which my head and heart were convinced that sex was worth waiting for marriage and that real love, TRUE LOVE, does, indeed, wait.

Yes, THIS is the ring I had. (Sadly, I lost it.)

When I was 13 years old I began to attend a Pentecostal church in downtown P-ville, where I grew up. It was an old, seven(ish)-story clothing warehouse with barely three accessible floors. 
It was at this church where I saw a genuine love for Jesus that I had not known existed prior. I grew-up thinking that church was boring, songs were too long and old, and we prayed to Mary. That was normal.

This church was not  normal.
Not to me.

I think that is why I fell so hard for Jesus. 
He was real, and kind, and not boring at all
I listened to "Jesus Freak" by D.C.Talk and threw all of my secular music into the dumpster -to which my momma nearly fainted. 
I was changed and I wanted my life to be better. 
(Side note, I have since learned that God looks at our hearts. Because of this, it is not always necessary to throw away music -or change anything about yourself- unless there is a true conviction and love of God on you to do so.)

During this time, the True Love Waits course became available and I was encouraged to attend. 
I did. 

In truth, I had forgotten about the pledge we were offered to take at the conclusion until I did some research and was reminded of it, just now.
But I do remember the ring. 
And the commitment. 

I pledged then and there that I would wait until I was married before I had sex. 
As a 17 year old, sex can be both embarrassing and liberating to talk about.

If you are a teen or preteen, a young adult, or beyond, I encourage you to make this commitment of purity

Make it for yourself.
To show yourself respect and honor.
For treating yourself as a precious jewel. 

Make it for your future spouse
(To share this special bond -that only the two of you share!- is so beautiful!)

Make it for your children, so you can show them that true love is worth waiting for when it is their turn. 
To show them that they are worth waiting for. 

Dedicate it to your well being
For not having to experience the pain of giving a very special piece of you away to someone who does not appreciate and cherish it. 
For not having to fear S.T.D.s* and unwanted pregnancy. -both of which affect females and males strongly.

Make it for God.
For making you as important as you are. 
As unique and worthy as you are.
You do not have to be a "Jesus Freak" like I proclaimed to be (which, may I add, was very cool at that time...everyone who was anyone was saying it!). 

Happy Valentine's Day!
Thank you for sharing yours with me. 

you are loved, gomommyblogger

*As for S.T.D.'s having sexual encounters with anyone will increase your risk. Notice I wrote encounters, not just intercourse. Please educate yourself.
Getting married to a virgin, and being one yourself, does NOT exclude you from this risk. 
Safe sex is not having sex(ual encounters included). 

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