Thursday, March 19, 2015

One Week

HIG July17 2014

One week
Big Strong Man can do an impeccable Mathew McConaughey, "Alright, Alright, Alright".
And it's funny.
Not that this is a huge talent or major feat.
But it sure is uncanny.

And our Little Man, who has grown so tall and I sometimes call my "Big Kid" let
three more teeth come through all in the week before last.
His vocabulary has grown by leaps and bounds as well...and that includes his
animal noises. Bahhh!

Today my big kid, Big Kid decided on his own accord to discover what that foreign
object hidden in the back of our bathroom between a corner and the toilet can do.
Out came the plunger.
And out came the toilet water.

While I was attending to that mess, the two "Biggins" decided to stand on a chair
at the kitchen sink and wash their hands.
They were having so much fun and I was getting the bathroom cleaned so I hadn't
wanted to stop them.
That was, until I realized that they found the water sprayer and were spraying
through the window between the kitchen and the living room.
All. Over. The. Table.
All Over. The. Couch.
All. Over. Their. Framed. Pictures.

And Blueberry.
I know you're in there, sweet little Blue.
Tonight I felt my first wave of nausea. It passed.
I am thinking of you fondly.

I am thinking about you and wondering what life as a momma of three will be like.
Wondering what color your eyes are.
And your hair.
Wondering if Blue is a baby boy like his brothers, or a baby girl, unlike her brothers.
Wondering if I will miraculously escape utter sickness with this pregnancy, or not.

But mostly, in the midst of the chaos and noise, I am wondering how it is that I am so
blessed as to be the happily married, mother of three who I am.
Whatever God's reasoning, I am thankful.
This was me that day, but least you have any false 
ideas, I was not wearing red boots. 

Laughing today (because this was long ago enough to laugh about), gomommyblogger

**(With less than one week until Baby Thatcher's (a.k.a. Baby Blue) arrival date, I thought is was fun to reminiscence.)**

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