Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Bucket List Wishing

Bucket List Wishing

                                           To enjoy the blessing of watching my sons grow
Publish a book

Sehen nachmal meine Verliebt 
Deutsche Familie (die K.Familie)

Run a marathon

                                            Learn how to fall in love with playing the piano

                                                                  Attend the Opera
                                                (And I shall wear long gloves and a gown.)

Visit the Anne Frank House

Travel to Africa
                                              (bonus! Meet Solange, our Sponser Child)

                                                        Float in the Dead Sea. Source

Experience the Kentucky Derby
(And wearing THIS hat would ROCK!!!!)

                                                     Get a tattoo...this wish is a maybe...

Yes, I will.

                                                                        Be debt free
                                                       (Yes, even a house. A nice house.)
                                           ...And go to Brentwood and the Dave Ramsey
                                                     headquarters with B.S.M. to yell,
                                  "WE ARE DEBT FREE"!! and meet Mr. Ramsey himself.

                                                                  Be a Pink Hatter
                                                             and then eventually a...

Wear my red hat pride!!

Become a grandmamma!!!

Grow old with my Big Strong Man

How about you?-gomommyblogger

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