Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Get Your Life in Order/Safe House (April: 8-14)

Get Your Life in Order/Safe House (April: 8-14)

Welcome to week two of making our homes safer. 
If you are new, please check into this link or go to LABELS --> and click on 2015 challenges.

For those of you who are not new, welcome back!
Last week's challenge was a lengthy one, so I will back off a little this week.
You're welcome.

If you do not have a second (or third, etc.) floor, you have the first half of this week's challenge off- go you!
(Literally, go. Please scroll down until you see the banner for step two.)
(Unless you live surrounded by a moat, in which case, you need to have a safety plan
in mind as well.)

If you have a home with more than one story, here goes:
You should own a fire ladder and have a plan for it. 
Where is the best place to keep it?
How do you use it? (How do you open it?)
Introduce it to everyone in your household as a means of saving a life. 
And...try it out!
(Please be safe, I beg you. I CANNOT take responsibility for any injuries.)


*CPR awareness.
(Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation)

It is a really good vital idea to have a location in your home where everyone knows to look for a reminder about things such as CPR and emergency contacts.
In our home, the reminder is on the wall behind our pantry door. We know where it is. We keep it alongside our emergency numbers and close to our fire extinguisher.

You can print off a really nice, kid-friendly version from the internet, or get something from a doctor and/or pediatrician to serve as a reminder in case of an emergency.
Once you do, post it.
Maybe even an additional print off for your purse/wallet.

You may also want to consider some of the following:
*taking a course on CPR training and earning/renewing your CPR certification.
*watching some refresher videos online...this is also a great tool for children

feeling safer!
-go you!- gomommyblogger

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