Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Get Your Life in Order/Safe House (April: 15-21)

Get Your Life in Order/Safe House (April: 15-21)

Welcome to week three!
This month has -no doubt- been a busy one. 
Be encouraged!!! We are in this together. 

If you are new and enjoy challenges, please check out this link or go to LABELS --> and click on 2015 challenges.

This week our challenge includes reaching out to others...or not

Hopefully you have someone near to you that can serve as a responsible helper in times of need. If not, you may need to think outside the box. 
*Someone who can pick-up your Little if you are unable to.
(Make certain your Little knows WHO this is.
Make sure your child has MEET and FEELS COMFORTABLE WITH this person.
Remind your child(ren) that this is who you have chosen to help when you cannot be there. This is also a good time to have a reminder talk about strangers.)
*Someone to consider giving the code to your home or a spare key to. (PLEASE USE DISCRETION!)
If you prefer, have a secret place where you and your spouse know of to store a spare key.
(Mailboxes, rocks, and door mats are NOT good ideas. Just saying.)

*If you do not have a spare key, get one made! Get two, just in case.
This goes for both your home as well as your vehicle...unless you have a funky key of some type, then make sure you have AAA- it's likely much cheaper than a spare (and a REALLY good idea regardless). 

Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day, why not consider taking a moment to remind yourself/teach your children of the importance of not forgetting history?

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