Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Get Your Life in Order/Safe House (April: 22-30)

Get Your Life in Order/Safe House (April: 22-30)

And with this week, our April challenges will be complete! 
This month has been pretty non-stop, don't you think?
If we were training for a marathon, here is where our endurance will have to step it up some: keep running!!!

Here is the place to go if you are new and interested in checking this monthly/weekly challenge. You can also go to LABELS --> and click on 2015 challenges.

If you have children and/or elderly members in your household, this week pertains to you. 
If not, once again, you are off the hook! Go enjoy your Earth today (Earth Day) and consider planting a tree on the 24th if you are feeling lazy by not challenging yourself enough :) 

If the criteria above pertains to you, than this week is all about memorization.Does your child know his/her last name?
Your number?
An emergency phone number? (Also consider posting this in a common area, such as the fridge, for quick reference when need-be.)
How to dial/use 911? 

Unfortunately for us very organized and motivated challenge seekers, this is not really something that we can just accomplish in one week and cross off our lists collectively. This may take much longer depending on the age/mindset/quantity of those we are encouraging/teaching this important information to. 
Brace yourself. 

Two months in, feel the burn!-

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